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Here's a review from Little Linda too!

Band: Power Quest

Venue: Bradford Rios, Bradford, UK

Date: Friday 25th July 2004

With only a few people bothering to turn up to tonight's gig (about seventy or so) it’s no the wonder that many support bands don’t get disheartened by this as they go on stage and the atmosphere is some what void of excitement and gusto, but these things never seemed to phase Humanity the first of the two support/guest bands tonight.

With a truly professional performance they gave their all and I would highly recommend you go and check them out if they are performing at a venue near you. Alternatively if you’re going to Bloodstock then I suggest you check them out there.

Also appearing at Bloodstock are the second band on tonight Intense who again gave their all. A band that obviously practice their stage moves, as the synchronized head banging by the guitarist’s seemed to prove.

The only criticism I have about the band is the vocals, as they seemed somewhat weak compared to the quality of rest of the band and weren’t fitting to the power metal sound that the band could produce.

This could not be said about the vocals of Alessio Garavello of Power Quest. As vocals go these have to be some of the most powerful I have heard for a long time. The rest of the band weren’t too shabby either as together they produced a set of the highest quality.

From the opening track the band were so tight musically it was impossible to fault them in any way. There set may have been only a fifty minutes long but it was quality throughout with tracks from both their ‘Wings of Forever’ and ‘Neverworld’ albums.

Although Alessio has had most of his hair cut off, unlike Samson he still has all his strength and power and delivers the likes of ‘Wings of Forever’, ‘Temple of Fire’ and ‘Neverworld’ with true Italian passion.

They even manage a ballad among all the power metal tracks with ‘When I'm Gone’. A track that shows not only the bands musical diversity, but also their song-writing prowess.

This is a band I would highly recommend to anyone, not juts the people who are into the likes of Stratovarius and Rhapsody and the like. But very much so to people who like a more melodic style metal and rock.

Let’s hope that they will return and let’s also hope that they get the crowds they deserve because they are going to be massive. It would be a shame if they dominated European shores with their live shows and gave the UK a miss because of poor turn outs at gigs.

Having said that they may have been low in attendance numbers, but the enthusiasm shown by both band and fans alike, more than made up for this.

I suspect perhaps it was more the case that this particular venue is not particularly famed for its huge turnouts than a reflection on the bands and their talent.

Setlist Included:

1. Wings of Forever

2. Temple of Fire

3. Power Quest

4. Sacred Land

5. When I’m Gone

6. Edge of Time

7. Neverworld

8. Glory Tonight