
Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Deftones bassist, Chi Cheng sadly passed away the other day 4 years after a horrific car crash left him battling for his life.

I've only really gotten into Deftones in the last couple of years but respect Chi's amazing contribution to this band and metal music in general.

Rest in Peace wonderful man and thank you for your music.
Yer coz I mean people don't make mistakes in their life. I mean shit I once incorrectly used a screwdriver and ended up losing eyesight in my right eye but hey I'm a schmuck as well. True story BTW.

Regardless of whether he made a mistake or you didn't like his music, he was a son, brother and friend to many. He was well respected within the metal music community too by his peers and fans.

Perhaps a little respect for the dead and his grieving family & friends is in order eh?
I'd really like to know more info on this accident. It looks like a total cover up and media blackout on the accident. He hit another car but you won't find any info and full details on this accident. WHO WAS AT FAULT ? Good luck finding details on the accident, its not published
I'd really like to know more info on this accident. It looks like a total cover up and media blackout on the accident. He hit another car but you won't find any info and full details on this accident. WHO WAS AT FAULT ? Good luck finding details on the accident, its not published

Something tells me you've had an experience involving someone not wearing a seat belt. Maybe you're personalizing an incident that has nothing do with you.

Who cares at this point who was at fault? This is between the families of those involved. Unless you're in one of those two families, why not just let his fans grieve his loss in peace?

I'm truly sorry for any loss you're suffered, but right now you're coming off really bad.
no, lol, I dont know anyone with a no seat belt accident. One of the all mighty things in the world that pisses me off more then anything else are bad drivers. 75% of my job consists of driving and it's the worst. Majority of people in Vegas are all from California and they brought their bad driving habits into this city.

Thousands of people every day like to cut over the solid white line when entering the highways here in town. I was actually a victim last summer when some lady entering the highway prematurely by 150 feet and cut me off. I ended up getting into a minor accident, but now have a herniated disk in neck. It's not a fun experience with major headaches that come and go. It's always random when I get headaches and stiff neck.
no, lol, I dont know anyone with a no seat belt accident. One of the all mighty things in the world that pisses me off more then anything else are bad drivers. 75% of my job consists of driving and it's the worst. Majority of people in Vegas are all from California and they brought their bad driving habits into this city.

Thousands of people every day like to cut over the solid white line when entering the highways here in town. I was actually a victim last summer when some lady entering the highway prematurely by 150 feet and cut me off. I ended up getting into a minor accident, but now have a herniated disk in neck. It's not a fun experience with major headaches that come and go. It's always random when I get headaches and stiff neck.

Ok, so I was kind of right about you having a bad experience on the road. Still, lighten up on the hate. You come off like a prick when you talk shit about the dead. Just saying.
Yer coz I mean people don't make mistakes in their life. I mean shit I once incorrectly used a screwdriver and ended up losing eyesight in my right eye but hey I'm a schmuck as well. True story BTW.

Is it permanent damage? I'm sorry.

I was actually a victim last summer when some lady entering the highway prematurely by 150 feet and cut me off. I ended up getting into a minor accident, but now have a herniated disk in neck. It's not a fun experience with major headaches that come and go. It's always random when I get headaches and stiff neck.

I'm sorry for you too, but the guy is dead. It doesn't matter how right you are, dead is dead. What if's don't matter at this point.
Yep permanent loss of vision in my right eye. You'd never know if you met me though as physically the eye is fine - no scarring or marks. Just permanent optic nerve damage (the screwdriver went in behind my eyeball via the cornea ... like the tiniest gap you could find. One in a million type of accident really.

I've done alright though - can drive, play sport, lead a normal life. Just don't have the best depth perception especially when parking the car ;-)