RIP Dimebag - RIP Anke / Savahexe


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada
Like everyone I was totally shocked by the whole Damageplan tragedy, I guess I don't need to elaborate on that.... RIP Dimebag, my thoughts are with all the victims and their family/friends, but esp. Vinnie. How on earth do you deal with your "little" brother being shot right before your very eyes :erk: :cry:

And while I was still numb and shocked by all this (not able to do anything else but read forums and newssites), I found out late fridaynight from Alina/Squeak, that a friend from Germany, Anke aka Savahexe, died November 28th. Alina and I spend a lot of time reading on forums and talking about her. She was a real sweetheart. Nico and I used to run into her at gigs occasionally (that's how we met) and would sometimes chat or email... I hadn't seen or heard from her in a while and didn't know she was sick (some lung condition apparently), so this was a big shock to me. This comes on top of a rough week where I just had heard about an old close friend dying at age 35, some other difficult decision, then the whole horrible Dimebag tragedy and on top of all that hearing we will never see Anke again. She was only 44..... :waah: Even I can take only so much, and it's enough! Can people please stop dying for a while now???!!! :yell:


We all will miss you girl! You have touched so many hearts and you will live on in all of them. You will not be forgotten!!
Rock on up there! :rock:
Marlies said:
Like everyone I was totally shocked by the whole Damageplan tragedy, I guess I don't need to elaborate on that.... RIP Dimebag,

I agree 100%. We lost a great guitarist and a great fan and promoter of metal. My sympathies go out to their respective families and friends. Both "Dimebag" and "Savahexe" will be missed greatly in the metal community.
