RIP Nelson Mandela


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Didn't know about his death until George W. Bush reported it.

NELSON Mandela is still very much alive despite a gaffe by US President George W. Bush, who alluded to the former South African leader's death in a speech yesterday.

"It's out there," said Achmat Dangor of the Nelson Mandela Foundation of Mr Bush's comment, which received worldwide media coverage.

"All we can do is reassure people, especially South Africans, that President Mandela is alive," he said.

In a speech defending his administration's Iraq policy, Mr Bush said former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's brutality had made it impossible to find a leader who could unite the country.

"I heard somebody say, 'Where's Mandela?'," he said.

"Well, Mandela's dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas."

The bizarre gaffe was made in a press conference in Washington yesterday.

Mandela became South Africa's first black president in 1994. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for preaching racial harmony and guiding the nation into the post-apartheid era.

References to his death – Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail – are seen as insensitive in South Africa.

With Reuters,23599,22461883-2,00.html
Im farily sure he was using it as an analagy, ie/ hussein has prevented any mandela type characters arising.
Maybe I'm wrong.

Flame me arseholes :kickass:
I'm sure that's what he meant.

But monkey man isn't very good at thinking clearly, just bombing people...must be all that coke he did at Uni, or his romping with Gannon/Guckert.

At least he addressed OPEC well, thanking the Austrian Prime Minister for all of his work.

Conservatives elect these retards ?
Dän;6538021 said:
Im farily sure he was using it as an analagy, ie/ hussein has prevented any mandela type characters arising.
Maybe I'm wrong.

Flame me arseholes :kickass:

I am sure that is what he meant. Funny shit though.
I've read in a number of places that Bush is actually quite a clued in individual - he just has these thick layers of FUCKWITTEDNESS that his thoughts filter through.
An American friend of mine (wah, I thought all of us against the Iraq war were meant to be anti-American?) reckons that he used to see Dubya in debates, and he was really switched on back then. Something's happened since then....
Theres a clip on youtube showing him in like 98 going for govenor of somewhere and he is speaking perfectly and very convicingly, then it compares him to now where he cleary has difficulty in that area.
Bush sure does end up looking stupid from time to time but this Ahmadinejad guy was serious:
No gays in Iran: Ahmadinejad

Greeted by protests: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at Columbia University in New York (Reuters)
Iran's firebrand President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told an audience at a top US university that there were no gays in Iran as he skirted around a question about the treatment of homosexuals in his country.

At the start of a hugely controversial visit to the United States, the alleged Holocaust denier who has been accused of backing terrorism tried to reach out to a sceptical US press and public.

"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country," Mr Ahmadinejad said to howls and boos among the Columbia University audience.

"In Iran we do not have this phenomenon, I don't know who has told you that we have it," he said.

Mr Ahmadinejad was challenged during his appearance on Amnesty International figures that suggested that 200 people had been executed in Iran so far this year, among them homosexuals.
