RIP Oderus Urungus


Not For Wimps
Jun 29, 2006
North From Here
I know Gwar isn't considered a top band around here, but they were one of my favorite bands growing up. They were even the first metal band I saw live. I'm not going to make a big speech or anything, I'll just share this clip of Oderus and Beefcake with Joan Rivers.

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Sucks that he is just funny that when musicians die everyone comes out of the woodwork to say how bad they feel and "THEY" were huge fans but haven't seen them live in over 15 years or bought any music by them too.

I still laugh at any Dio post. As Jason can attest to...NO ONE talked about Dio or even gave a rats ass about him in the early 2000's. No one supported his shows even. Suddenly the man dies and he is a God now. It was funny...Metal Haven had a surplus of Dio used CD's at the store...the week he died everyone ran to get the CD's to put them in their collection again. Now you see people posting daily about him....100 bucks most of those same people never bought a Dio CD until after he died or even bothered to see him live.

Same with Gwar...they have been a running joke for decades and now they are this band who "everyone" just loved.
Well with Dio I think more people cared about his time with Sabbath, which he was in at the end. Having said that there definitely were people who acted like huge fans that weren't when he died.
I still laugh at any Dio post. As Jason can attest to...NO ONE talked about Dio or even gave a rats ass about him in the early 2000's. No one supported his shows even. Suddenly the man dies and he is a God now. It was funny...Metal Haven had a surplus of Dio used CD's at the store...the week he died everyone ran to get the CD's to put them in their collection again. Now you see people posting daily about him....100 bucks most of those same people never bought a Dio CD until after he died or even bothered to see him live.

From what I've seen, this is fairly accurate. Hell, when he was alive, people would tell me (on internet forums, not in person, mind you): "You listen to Dio? Is he even still relevant, lol?". That was prior to Heaven and Hell, of course, when he did see a resurgence in popularity. Now people come out of the woodwork that were magically the biggest Dio fan of all time ever. Jackoffs. :mad:
I am still pissed at GWAR for turning my black leather jacket green in high school. But yeah, it is VERY sad he passed. Supposedly though he lived VERY hard. While it is sad, I really have a tough time getting terribly upset about a guy who had a drug related death. I know people will cry, "Addiction is a bitch"!!! I am sure it is. But if you are an addict, being on the road in a rock n roll band is probably not the best lift choice.

It was funny though seeing them live during the Bush Sr years.
They never went easy on him!!! LOL...
OK, so now my thoughts on the DIO thing...

Bob hit it on the head. In his last years as a solo artist, sadly NO ONE cared. He played VERY small venues (Jackhammers in Schaumburg IL anyone?) At best House of Blues, and those usually were only filled because of other bands he toured with (IE - Yngwie, HammerFall, etc).

Through the 90s and early 2000's, he periodically got on some package tours (IE - Deep Purple, Maiden, etc)......

Simon is right tho. His popularity did start to grow from the sudden interest in DIO era Sabbath when Heaven and Hell formed, since there were so many people (myself included) who were Sabbath fans who never saw that lineup live. This then got folks more interested in checking out DIO solo.

I always expect folks to come out of the woodwork claiming to be a raging fan. It's almost like if they don't they fear people will think they weren't familiar.....

The one that will REALLY piss me off is when (god forbid) Lemmy passes.

Every psuedo metalhead who only owns a Best Of will claim how much of an influence Lemmy and Motorhead were to their bands.
I am still pissed at GWAR for turning my black leather jacket green in high school. But yeah, it is VERY sad he passed. Supposedly though he lived VERY hard. While it is sad, I really have a tough time getting terribly upset about a guy who had a drug related death. I know people will cry, "Addiction is a bitch"!!! I am sure it is. But if you are an addict, being on the road in a rock n roll band is probably not the best lift choice.

I agree with the latter part of what you said. It is hard to feel bad for someone who was deep into drugs compared to some who just die early due to bad health.
The one that will REALLY piss me off is when (god forbid) Lemmy passes.

Every psuedo metalhead who only owns a Best Of will claim how much of an influence Lemmy and Motorhead were to their bands.

Sadly I don't think Lemmy has much time left.

I already see metal fans acting like they're huge fans though even though they probably only have "Ace of Spades." It sucks because they have such a solid discography.
Sadly I don't think Lemmy has much time left.

I already see metal fans acting like they're huge fans though even though they probably only have "Ace of Spades." It sucks because they have such a solid discography.

Yeah, and I get it.
I mean there are many long running bands too that I consider myself a fan of, but don't own the entire discography of (IE - UFO, Deep Purple, etc...).

And not everyone who says they are a fan HAS to own EVERY album.

It's just those people who go on and on and on about people's passing who obviously were not a huge influence is just obnoxious.

Furthermore, I think its more self serving than anything else. Sure, you wanna pay respect, but at the same time you should take a step back and realize you are putting your name out there.
I agree with the latter part of what you said. It is hard to feel bad for someone who was deep into drugs compared to some who just die early due to bad health.

Yeah, I'm on the same page with you. As saddened as I am by his death, I'm not really broken up about it. He should have cleaned up his act. It's not like it's a secret that drugs are bad for your health.