Ripper´s 20Q


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Well I´m a Metal-Sludge fanatic, die hard Ripper fan maniac since last week (you know) and I couldn´t wait to see his 20Q. He was cool but questions like "how many weeks you have left since Rob´s coming back" they better should have left out. Ripper doesn´t live in Rob´s shade, they had better check this guy live!
Ripper is fucking cool. He talked to me more than Scott Ian did, when I was waiting for Scott Ian backstage. :p
Seriously. :confused:
Too bad he "doesn't remember Denver. But, actually, I don't think I would either.
Am I the only METAL fan in Colorado??????????

Thrax(nice picture) I don't know much about the metal scene in Colorado, but there is a band out of Golden called Silencer and they are the most talented underground band I've ever seen. They came to Tucson last week and needless to say we showed em how important metal is to us! I didn't stop moving for the entire length of their set. Thrash is definitely alive! The singer's name is Keith and he is a fucking cool dude. They had Ritchie Wilkinson on guitar (on loan from Angel Dust) and he kicked ass, too. They'll be at the Ragnarok Festival next month, so check that shit out!!!!
Silencer....hmm...that kind of rings a bell.
Have you heard of Seraphim Shock? A friend of mine used to be the guitar player for them. They aren't really thrash, they're more gothy.