Ripper or Barlow? That is(n't) the question.

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Metal Immortal

Guardian of the Blind
Feb 11, 2004
Since the dawn of time, or, more likely, since the dawn of the Glorious Burden, Iced Earth fans all over the universe have been asking themselves only one question: "Ripper or Barlow?" For some, the question is easily answered; for others, the truth is not so obvious.

The singers are very different, and they both have their own qualities. Barlow is a great singer: dramatic, versatile, and he’s great at writing lyrics. Ripper, well… what can one say about Ripper besides, simply, “he kicks ass”? Because it is true, Ripper does indeed kick ass. Seriously. Just listen to Red Baron and Waterloo to hear his awesomeness, or see them in concert for Christ’s sake.

Where do I stand on this question, you ask? RIPPER!!! He is a king I tell you, A KING! A HERO! There are no opinions among rational people. I am rational. What I believe is not an opinion. It’s a mother fucking fact, baby! Gettysburg, Waterloo…. Oh my God. These songs… The Power… The sheer honor of it all!

In case you folks out there in forum land do not detect my humor (just look at the post about Ashlee Simpson if don’t see the reason why I said this), I am totally 100% serious! Serious, with an aura of exaggeration that is. If you don’t believe Ripper could rip Barlow’s head off and shove it deep into the depths of hell, I will send a rain of enlightenment upon you. Holy Thunder Force shall rain upon you, and you will see the light.

With all joking aside, who do all you kind folks prefer?

Although, Ripper sounded awesome on Ghettysburg, it was pure brilliance, but i cant stand the vocals on disk one.
HellFire said:

Although, Ripper sounded awesome on Ghettysburg, it was pure brilliance, but i cant stand the vocals on disk one.

But... But but but but.... Barlow always sounds like he's whining. On Burnt Offerings and SWTWC you can just imagine tears streaming down his face.

Ripper has a powerful and insane voice. What is there that cannot be standed (does that work grammaticly?) on any of his songs?
" you can just imagine tears streaming down his face"

Thats why i chose Barlow (and the fact that he the 2nd best metal singer :) ), because of the emotion he creates, admitedly ive only got 3 iced earth cd's excluding The Glorius Burden.

Too me, Ripper on disk one sounds like one of those bird vulture creatures from "The Dark Crystal" ;)
HellFire said:
" you can just imagine tears streaming down his face"

Thats why i chose Barlow (and the fact that he the 2nd best metal singer :) ), because of the emotion he creates, admitedly ive only got 3 iced earth cd's excluding The Glorius Burden.

Too me, Ripper on disk one sounds like one of those bird vulture creatures from "The Dark Crystal" ;)
i totally agree with u.Ripper is nothing compared to Barlow.Barlow is simply the best metal singer ever(no kidding)ripper is good but he is not even in my top 10 favorite singers and just because he screams good that doesnt mean he is a good biggest dream is seeing barlow back in Iced Earth.
Ripper is a no talent hack in my oppinion. He banks on being in a priest cover band (which just happened to be titled "Judas Priest", but it was still a cover band) and while very good at that, he can't do much else. When i saw him live with iced earth, he not only sucked, he raped and desicrated the classics. There were very few barlow era songs that didn't sound like the crooning of a whore found out that she had crabs. no thanks, give me the man with balls back (Because i like balls! see Team america world police for that reference). Barlow had emotion, ripper sounds like a whiny bitch IMO. Yes, he had his moments on TGB which were in fact awesome, but most of it was no good.
theodyssey said:
Ripper is a no talent hack in my oppinion. He banks on being in a priest cover band (which just happened to be titled "Judas Priest", but it was still a cover band) and while very good at that, he can't do much else. When i saw him live with iced earth, he not only sucked, he raped and desicrated the classics. There were very few barlow era songs that didn't sound like the crooning of a whore found out that she had crabs. no thanks, give me the man with balls back (Because i like balls! see Team america world police for that reference). Barlow had emotion, ripper sounds like a whiny bitch IMO. Yes, he had his moments on TGB which were in fact awesome, but most of it was no good.

You must be on acid or something. I saw Iced Earth live and I say he made every song better. Forget the Barlow times. Who needs them? Ripper is the one with the balls. He can sing just as well as Barlow when he isn't screaming, and Barlow was never able to produce such a kick ass sound with his voice. Also, Barlow is nowhere near the best metal singers ever. That is reserved for Russel Allen, and Magnus Ekwall and the like. As in, singers who don't sound whinny :cry:.

As for your crazy idea about a Judas Priest cover band called "Judas Priest"... What the hell? Last I checked, there was only one Judas Priest, and Ripper was in it at one time. Jugulator? What ever gave you that asinine idea must have looked something like an old cranky man with a monkey half way in his hairy ass.
Hey retard, way to catch onto the point of judas priest - rob halford + weak halford ripoff = judas priest cover band called "judas priest". Have you even listened to jugulator and demolition?

As for your crackerjack points about ripper being better, I give up, you convinced me through wit and charm. No, really, I don't give two shits if you like ripper better than barlow. In fact, I believe you asked for our oppinions and I fuckin gave it to you. There is no way that ripper will ever have as powerful of a voice as barlow IN MY OPPINION.
definitely barlow...I don't even enjoy the new album as much mainly because of ripper. He sounds better in judas priest rather than Iced Earth. Iced Earth is a much more brutal metal band and ripper just doesn't fit imo. Sure he can sing better and can do those high screams way better, but Barlow can mandhandle him with the brutal riffing of Iced Earth. Barlow creates a nice atmosphere that ripper cannot match. Of course this discussion is all opinion and never will be fact.
theodyssey said:
Hey retard, way to catch onto the point of judas priest - rob halford + weak halford ripoff = judas priest cover band called "judas priest". Have you even listened to jugulator and demolition?

As for your crackerjack points about ripper being better, I give up, you convinced me through wit and charm. No, really, I don't give two shits if you like ripper better than barlow. In fact, I believe you asked for our oppinions and I fuckin gave it to you. There is no way that ripper will ever have as powerful of a voice as barlow IN MY OPPINION.

I've never read anything of yours that was free of such harsh language. Wouldn't it be much more challenging to prove your point through constructive debate and not mindless insults? I know it's all opinion, but you didn't really say anything to defend your idea. You just said Judas Priest is not Judas Priest if Halford is not the singer, which is, with all objevtivity on my side, idiotic.
bball_1523 said:
definitely barlow...I don't even enjoy the new album as much mainly because of ripper. He sounds better in judas priest rather than Iced Earth. Iced Earth is a much more brutal metal band and ripper just doesn't fit imo. Sure he can sing better and can do those high screams way better, but Barlow can mandhandle him with the brutal riffing of Iced Earth. Barlow creates a nice atmosphere that ripper cannot match. Of course this discussion is all opinion and never will be fact.

I agree that Barlow had a special way of creating a certain emotional atmosphere with his voice, but Ripper creates a sense of urgency and action with his. He is more active, while Barlow is passive and at times boring (listen to the Dark Saga for boring Barlow).
Ripper has ruined Iced Earth for me. Barlow was so much better on so many levels. Barlow's emotion came naturally. You can hear Ripper struggling to create it, and he sounds too cheesy to me in doing so.

...and the 2 Priest albums with Ripper are awful.

I wasnt, its a great (if somewhat strange) film.

But you wouldnt one of those vulture "things" replacing one of your favoroute singers!
I only have Something Wicked.. and I've heard a few tunes off The Glorious Burden, which my friend owns. To me, I really think it depends on the song. I don't think Ripper could ever get the emotion that Barlow did, especially on the softer parts, but Barlow could never get the power that Ripper on The Reckoning. :Spin:
Now it comes to it... the battle is raging, and I must choose a side. Fortunately, it is very easy to choose between the two. Ripper is wega much better than Barlow, whose voice makes it impossible for me to enjoy old Iced Earth. The Glorious Burden is one of my best purchases ever, and I think that Ripper, while sometimes sounding a bit too much like Bruce Dickinson (Red Baron) and Rob Halford, could feast upon whiny-bitch Barlow's bloody flesh for eat time. He has so much satanic thunderforce that he could probably punch every baby in the face at the same time. Not only does his voice capture raw energy and passion, it also doesn't warble like Barlow. Matt Barlow is like a cross between Eric Clayton (when warbling) and Mikael Akerfeldt (when growling). Those are the only two simgers from the Human Equation that I did not like.
Also, a personal opinion doesn't warrant a toys-out-of-the-pram attack on someone. Just because Metal Immortal is right and you are a douche doesn't mean he deserves your inane, vitriolic bullshit.
I said, "Piss Poor, this here's Blubber Fuck and I'm about to lay the trite down."
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