SwordLord Productions and Mayhem Productions proudly present...
RIPPER OWENS - current lead singer of ICED EARTH and former member of Judas Priest
appearing with his band BEYOND FEAR Sunday, September 25 Star Central Doors at 6:00pm Ages: 18+ Tickets: $8 adv / $10 door Ripper Owens will be performing new material with his band BEYOND FEAR. He also has some surprises lined up from Iced Earth but more from Priest. Ripper will also be doing an extensive meet-and-greet with fans after the show. Bring your stuff -- he will autograph it. This is going to be a great opportunity to not only see Ripper perform but interact with him after the show.
Cold Colours
Human A.D
RIPPER OWENS - current lead singer of ICED EARTH and former member of Judas Priest
appearing with his band BEYOND FEAR Sunday, September 25 Star Central Doors at 6:00pm Ages: 18+ Tickets: $8 adv / $10 door Ripper Owens will be performing new material with his band BEYOND FEAR. He also has some surprises lined up from Iced Earth but more from Priest. Ripper will also be doing an extensive meet-and-greet with fans after the show. Bring your stuff -- he will autograph it. This is going to be a great opportunity to not only see Ripper perform but interact with him after the show.
Cold Colours
Human A.D