Rise of the Infadels

Quit curious to hear some of the new SOD stuff here.. With the band I used to play 20 years ago we just covered about the whole "Speak English or Die" album. Brings back great memories ...
Millano, Ian, Charlie and Dan...

Means an old recording, since Billy and Ian crossed swords long time ago. Must be insteresting to check since I never got "Live At Budokan"

NP: Shadow Gallery - 'First Light'
And semi-hard? I mean horny but not a hard-on :lol:
You make it sound reviews are like UFOs, The Easter Bunny or Santa Claus... Reviews do exist. :loco: :lol:

What do you mean the Easter Bunny doesn't exist? :cry: :p

The way you put it was pretty funny indeed. What I meant is that you can review an album and find it fantastic, Hawk can review the same album and find is shitty. Who I believe? My experience is that the ultimate reviewer is the buyer (or potential buyer), so I HAVE to listen to it by myself. Chances are I may agree with some or many reviewers or the opposite, but it will be my decision and my money :saint:

NP: Blue Öyster Cult - 'Fireworks'

P.S. And UFOs do exist!