Riverside - Reality Dream 2DVD set at a killer price!


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
Once again we've got the real goods at an amazing price:

"The first DVD of one of the most important progressive rock bands that can best be described as a stylistic blend of atmospheric rock and metal elements, resulting in a sound similar to that of Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Dream Theater, and Tool, while still maintaining an identity of their own. 2 DVDs include over 4 hours of live material! On May, 17th 2008, the band played a special, over-two-hour gig in Toya Studios in Lodz. The concert was recorded and, until now, it was available in a limited CD-only edition during their "Reality Dream Tour" in December 2008. Today, the fans of Riverside have a chance to see that special performance in its full glory as it is released as a double DVD. Apart from the complete performance in Lodz, "Reality Dream" DVD also includes a selection of live performances in various places around the world plus a documentary "Behind the Curtain - A film by John Vis" and a photo gallery. The graphic design was, once again, handled by Travis Smith."

Gracias. I can't tell you how stoked I was to read this. I tried to go for that limited cd but could never find it. I ordered my copy immediately.