Riverside, tell me about them...


At War With Stan
Jul 28, 2005
I have one cd by them "Second Life Syndrome" and quite enjoy it. Tell me more about this band and what other records I should be checking out by them.
Personally I would also recommend their debut Out of Myself and EP Voices in My Head, both are outstanding. Beyond recommendations I'm not sure what else you're looking for in terms of information about the band. Both of their other releases are quite enjoyable, but perhaps a bit more mellow than Second Life Syndrome.

Voices in My Head was originally a fan-club only EP released via the band's Polish label but has since been re-released. It's made up of five studio tracks (among which are some of my favorites from the band) and three live tracks recorded at a club in Warsaw.

Out of Myself is a bit more similar to Second Life Syndrome, but is filled out with a few more 'relaxed' songs like 'I Believe' and 'In Two Minds' as opposed to the somewhat more traditional/heavy rock songs like 'Artifical Smile' found on Second Life Syndrome.

I hope this helps. :headbang:
thank you burnout, that really helps. I will try to find the debut and EP.
VenomGA said:
Really?? why?? Would you consider them for PP?

I prefer the debut simply because of the guitar work. I don't go apeshit over speed, technical chops, or any of that jazz. I go on "feel" as I consider that a lost art with guitarist. There are some leads and solos that simply soar on that one. "Loose Heart" (my favorite song from them) is the perfect example. Go the my space page and check out that tune starting at the 1:18 & 3:01 mark to see where I'm coming from.


As for the other, I did consider them when the debut came out. However, they couldn't get into the country until just this year for various reasons. I would consider them in the future as well.
I will be getting their debut record for sure now. And that is great news maybe one day Riverside will be able to play at PP.
VenomGA said:
I have one cd by them "Second Life Syndrome" and quite enjoy it. Tell me more about this band and what other records I should be checking out by them.

My favorite band in the world alongside Angra. It's just perfectly beautiful or beautifully perfect.
metalsped said:
...but Riverside isnt a Brazilian band? Why would you respond??

/ducks and covers

*Sets rockets direction towards Metalsped*


Seriously now. Riverside has put on the best show of the year so far in 2006. I can't say enough good things about them. I would gladly sponsor them for ProgPower every year. And I mean EVERY year. And I wouldn't even do that with Angra. Their music is so inspirational, meaningful and beauty that one couldn't simply imagine. They appeal to prog, metal and pretty much any other style of music fans. Really really really amazing.
I will need to check out the prices at The End Records before deciding.