RME Fireface 800 for sale


Shred or Die !
Jul 9, 2005
Hi Guys,

I'm selling my RME fireface 800, asking price is $1500 Australian Dollars.

In great working condition etc.

pm if interested


I am looking at either that or the FF400 (leaning towards the 400 due to supposedly better preamps). I will let you know tomorrow if that is OK (and still available).
Hmm, I have NEVER heard the 400 has better preamps, and that seems kinda questionable (AFAIK they're the same) - however, I do feel the 400 is the better bet since paying extra for the 800 really just gets you more inputs (as if 18 on the 400 isn't enough :ill: ) and two extra preamps that are apparently just "eh" anyway. That said, for that price (cheaper than a new FF800 in USD!), I'd make an exception! (meaning, I'd say buy the 800, or rather this particular one :D)
I just gotta chime in and say that I just got me a FF800, and the Converters on this thing are absolutely AMAZING!! Dude, this thing sounds crystal clear! Can't imagine why your selling it, but anyone in the market to get it, I'd highly recommend it. This is coming from 2 firepods, then to a Presonus Firestudio Tube. You CANT go wrong with this thing! And yeah the Pre's aren't the greatest, but they are usable.

Just curious why are you selling it I am assuming your upgrading to something else?
For what it's worth, Skyweaver keeps his gear in great condition and is a top bloke. He recently sold me a very dear piece of kit. GH, if you're looking at buying this thing second hand, this is the opportunity!

PS. There's something about RME I really love. They are the complete opposite to Digi. Their interfaces are top notch for the price, their drivers are nigh infallible and rock solid, their DSP mixer is the most powerful and flexible I've seen in my life, and they are usually expandable if you find yourself 'outgrowing' the onboard AD/DA.
For what it's worth, Skyweaver keeps his gear in great condition and is a top bloke. He recently sold me a very dear piece of kit. GH, if you're looking at buying this thing second hand, this is the opportunity!

PS. There's something about RME I really love. They are the complete opposite to Digi. Their interfaces are top notch for the price, their drivers are nigh infallible and rock solid, their DSP mixer is the most powerful and flexible I've seen in my life, and they are usually expandable if you find yourself 'outgrowing' the onboard AD/DA.

thanks Ermin - glad you like the mic pre
I just gotta chime in and say that I just got me a FF800, and the Converters on this thing are absolutely AMAZING!! Dude, this thing sounds crystal clear! Can't imagine why your selling it, but anyone in the market to get it, I'd highly recommend it. This is coming from 2 firepods, then to a Presonus Firestudio Tube. You CANT go wrong with this thing! And yeah the Pre's aren't the greatest, but they are usable.

Just curious why are you selling it I am assuming your upgrading to something else?

it's more than I need, your totally right about the performance of it - it is just great, but I've cut over to an Mbox mini, for single instrument recording. If was going to do more bands/demo's etc then I'd keep it - but I've just not got the time to do it - and I want to finally buy myself a Gibson Les Paul (yes its a mid life crisis :)
By their technical specs, I think the FF400s have slightly lower noise to signal ratio, or overall dynamic range. In practice, I've never heard a direct shoot-out. I would imagine the differences are so minute that they are inaudible.
Sorry, just remarking on our glorious inflation rates and the general price of... everything.

All that aside, buy Dean's FF800 you pricks. Great price, undoubtably great condition, and you won't get scammed to boot.