RME Fireface & Octamic

Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Hello everybody,

Has anyone here used or tried RME Fireface and Octamic ? I'm considering getting these but I'd like your feedbacks first.

Thank you all and Merry Christmas !!! :p

Santa Brett

I purchased a rme fireface like... 2 weeks ago. Only know am i testing it since I´m recording a demo. So a short time has passed for me to start babling about it...well, shortening up, what i can say is that it is rock solid in terms of performance / driver stability ( despite my motherboard being pretty old and my cpu runs only at 1.5 ghz ). No problems during installation and its performance is flawless. The total mix software rulles: very flexible and helps a lot when working with the fireface. I´m really enjoying its overall recorded sound. I´m also enjoying its 4 class a pre amps: they are very neutral..crystal clear.. lack "colour" but keep the clarity and definition of the sound. I think the octamic has the same class a pre-amps.
Rock solid stable performance.. Very good drivers.... AD and pres are pretty good (for the price). It gets a bit how though so make room for ventilation.

GET IT!! -that's my advice.
The thing is that you can up to 28 inputs with this card (adding digital and analog), so it's pretty cool. I've heard great things about RME Class A preamp's and AD converters too, as well as their great driver stability. So I think I'll go for it if I get this new contract for a local band ;-) Thanks for your feedbacks !


P.S. : You can have it for around 1.300 € here in France, which is not extremely expensive...
Brett, sorry for the stupid question, but does that mean in a sense that you can scrap the need for a mixing console if you were to use it? In that sense, I could see how it would be a good investment, hehe.
Well this is not a stupid question Moonlapse, though I hoping to understand it correctly :)

I just have to buy my equipment piece by piece. So I can't afford to buy a big mixing console at once. So if I buy a FireFace, I'm getting 4 great class a preamps and, I hope, a great soundcard with great AD converters... With an additionnal Octamic, digitally connected through ADAT, I add 8 inputs of the very same high quality. 12 tracks are, most of the time, enough. If for some reasons I need more in the future (crazy drummer with 8 toms, 2 snares and 3 hats for example ;), I could still purchase another Octamic and get 20 preamps. I don't see myself needing more than this... But if I do, well there is still room for other inputs in the card anyway.

Moreover, I need my gear to be as "portable" as possible, since I'm probably going to move a lot to "meet" my customers (I don't have a house or a studio), so it's great that I can use it with a laptop. I mix inside Cubase, and it's probably not the best but it's okay, I can deal with it, so I really don't see the need for a mixing console. Maybe, some day, if I can settle down, I'll buy a Mackie Control or something similar, but for the moment I'm just fine like that... For me, the use of a real mixing console is not mandatory. If I could get a SSL or a Neve, that would probably be different, but for the moment, I don't have many options.

I hope this answered your question :o)
