Rob is know in Volbeat

Yeah I think it's great. An Anthrax alum moving on. Anthrax will be fine. Volbeat is great and it will be interesting to see what Rob brings to the mix. Congratulation to him.
Rob's statement on joining Volbeat - good on him. A man has gotta do what's best for him.

Wow! I have to say I’m completely blown away by the turn of events over the last few weeks here in Denmark and at this point an update is definitely in order. To start with, I came to Denmark about a month ago to produce the new Volbeat record which in and of itself has been an incredibly exciting adventure from a producer’s perspective thus far. However, I’m extremely happy to say my relationship with these guys will not end there as it turns out……it’s just beginning! Michael had asked me on the phone before I got out here if I would play some guest solos on the new album in addition to my other duties and of course I was thrilled about that and agreed to do so. When I actually got to Denmark and started going through the material, this turned out to be so much more than that. After weeks of collaboration between Michael and I it became quite clear that we had an amazing creative chemistry together and a huge mutual respect for one another. It’s so refreshing and inspiring to be creative again on a songwriting level that words can’t even describe it and the vibe between Anders, Jon, Michael and I is just awesome. I’d say an artistic relationship like this one is very rare and it’s also something I don’t take for granted. When the guys asked me if I was interested in joining Volbeat the other day, my jaw just about hit the floor! It actually didn’t even register in my brain properly until the next morning but I gotta say, it also didn’t take me long to decide. It really isn’t the way I envisioned the rest of my year to play out but at the same time, THIS feels more “right” to me than anything I could have possibly imagined and I’m going for it! To all my fans, family, friends and overall supporters that have reached out to me over this last month wondering if I’m ever gonna play guitar again or what I’m up to in general etc……..See you all soon my friends and get ready for a wild ride!!!
Not sure why they wanted him in the band. Not a fan of that music.. I guess their fan base will now get to wonder why some goofy looking old guy is always wearing a beanie

This just goes to prove that he had enough of the Scott and Charlie show

Also shows that Rob is full of shit saying he wanted to focus on producing
Seriously? Why so butthurt?
Rob did a great job for Anthrax. Now he's moving on to do something else. The music business is a business. Rob wanted to write and produce instead of just playing leads and producing. It seems like he got his wish. Good on him!
If you wanted a job with more responsibility and was offered one, wouldn't you take it?
Too funny and really pathetic. I thought he wanted to spend more time in the studio. Quick change of mind in less then a month. It looks to be Scott and Charlie need to clean the sand out of their vaginas and stop being so hollywood
His beanie will now fit in well with that band lol. I guess he'd rather play nu-rock instead of metal. Different strokes for different folks.
His beanie will now fit in well with that band lol. I guess he'd rather play nu-rock instead of metal. Different strokes for different folks.

Don't forget he was in that emo supergroup damned things.. Volbeat is right up his alley. :devil:
I could care less about Rob joining another band. Rob was decent enough and decided to move on. People are entitled to do that. I am much more curious on who the Dynamic Duo is going to find to replace him.
Too funny and really pathetic. I thought he wanted to spend more time in the studio. Quick change of mind in less then a month. It looks to be Scott and Charlie need to clean the sand out of their vaginas and stop being so hollywood

Why is this funny, pathetic or bullshit!?!?

Rob was honest from the get-go.

"This is an extremely difficult and emotional decision, but my heart is just steering me in a different direction right now," he explains. "While this might be one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, it feels like the right one for me at this time."

"Over the years, I've been blessed with the privilege of working with a wide range of great bands from Anthrax and Cradle Of Filth all the way to Bruce Springsteen... I look forward to a hopeful continuation of that side of my career while I figure out my next move as an artist."

"In case anyone was wondering after reading all of this, I do fully intend to get back out there on the road very soon in some way shape or form. It's in my blood."

That quote from Rob was from a couple weeks ago when it was announced he was leaving. He never said he wasn't playing music anymore and was going to be a full-time producer.

Dude wants to be more involved creatively then just recording leads over songs written by someone else. I'm sure that Scott and Charlie, while they may be upset and would rather he stay --- understand.

Volbeat is a band that's probably going to record an album every 2 to 3 years. Rob will be more involved creatively and he's closer in age to those guys.

Anthrax will record an album every 6 years (if we're lucky) and tour, tour, tour --- and he'll be playing a bunch of songs that Dan Spitz recorded the leads on when Rob was a teenager.

whats the big deal?
Why is this funny, pathetic or bullshit!?!?

Rob was honest from the get-go.

That quote from Rob was from a couple weeks ago when it was announced he was leaving. He never said he wasn't playing music anymore and was going to be a full-time producer.

Dude wants to be more involved creatively then just recording leads over songs written by someone else. I'm sure that Scott and Charlie, while they may be upset and would rather he stay --- understand.

Volbeat is a band that's probably going to record an album every 2 to 3 years. Rob will be more involved creatively and he's closer in age to those guys.

Anthrax will record an album every 6 years (if we're lucky) and tour, tour, tour --- and he'll be playing a bunch of songs that Dan Spitz recorded the leads on when Rob was a teenager.

whats the big deal?

Either way, Rob was good for the band but now he's gone. Movin' on now waiting for the next phase for Anthrax.....If anyone was going to leave i'm glad it was him and not Frank, Joey, Scott, or Charlie.
The experts are out. All I will say is good on him and good luck to him. He's entitled to do whats right for him and like others have said was honest from the get go.
The problem I foresee Anthrax having now is that they've build a really hostile environment for people to work in.

Looking at the situation, I'd say there's a very good chance of the band continuing purely with session guitarists for tours and Charlie/Scott handling all guitars (maybe with a few guest spots) for any new recordings.
The problem I foresee Anthrax having now is that they've build a really hostile environment for people to work in.

Looking at the situation, I'd say there's a very good chance of the band continuing purely with session guitarists for tours and Charlie/Scott handling all guitars (maybe with a few guest spots) for any new recordings.

What do you base the comment regarding a hostile environment on? Rob, it seems, left with no hard feelings and a desire to do something that involves more creativity. There's no indication that a "hostile environment" fused his desicion.

Obviously, the band has had significant singer-issues, and there seems to have been some bad desicions being made along the way, but from what I've read of official statements regarding Robs departure, there's no indication that these issues have influenced Robs desiscion to leave.

Anthrax may very well fill the vacant spot with guest guitarists, but still. If a more permanent replacement was required, they'd need someone who shreds the guitar while not wanting/being able to write tunes. I'm sure that there are quite a few guitarists like that around.
Just got the confirmation.

This is fucking bullshit..

What was bullshit was the way Rob got treated when they dropped him in favor of Spitz for the reunion. What is also bullshit is the way Joey and John have gotten treated at times through the years. Karma is a bitch at times. Funny thing is, Rob got his replacement lined up for them, he shoulda just said fuck 'em. I bet they still owe him money for producing WM. LOL.