Rob - the new Guitarist

Feb 19, 2002
New York
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Hopefully I don't sound like a douche, but I was kind of offended by someone on Metal Sludge saying that Rob, the new guy, looked like a member of NSYNC.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting Rob across from the Roseland in NYC last Friday before the show. He's a nice guy and apparently has to go out to buy his own Red Bull before shows.

The guy's doing a great job up there. And if Scott and the other guys have decided to let him play with the band, I think that should be good enough for all of us. So what if his stage presence isn't to everyone's liking? It takes balls to get up there and fill someone else's shoes and do a good job to boot.
Hell, Hanneman from Slayer isn't dancing around on the stage, and he's a great guitarist.

To Rob, good luck man. You're a cool dude and you're doing a great job.

To NYC's Roseland: Thanks for starting the show early you fucks. I missed half the set.
Yeah, that wasn't cool of that guy to say Rob looks like a member of N'Sync.
Everyone know's Charlie looks like a member of N'Sync (just ask Billy Milano or Scott Ian).

I was lucky enough to meet Rob too. He fucking rules (both as a guitarist and as a person)!!!!
yeah he put up with frank putting his hands over his face while he was playing a solo at my show, and he fell over and kept playing. looked to me like he doesn't have much stage experience, and like I said before, John and Frank have enough energy for everyone, frank is a fucking GOOF!!! :)
His switching system is on the floor there. The lead guitarist has to be on it more than the rhythm (I know I spelled that wrong). Rob has to be there to pump the wah and to click over to his lead tone. For leads, most guitarists use a different tone in order to cut through the mix, i.e. more dB or a little more delay and chorus. Anyway, he rules and is very cool.
Saw/heard Rob for the first time last night. I think he'll fit in well. I might get killed but his stage presence reminded me of Bruce Kulick (whom I like). I think a few solos were omitted either b/c he doesn't know them yet or b/c of today's music trend for lack of guitar solos.
Uhh... gag order... Superhero, oh wait it wasn't Anthrax's Superhero... it was uh, the new David Lee Roth song... yeah that's the ticket. It's "I'm Just a Super-Giggilo." The line right after what I had was "Hommila-bibila-zimmila-bobbila-hommila-bibbila-zimmila-BOP!!!