Rob Zombie - Educated Horses

Nov 30, 2005
I know this album isn't out yet, but from the first single it sounds to me like he has finally lost it. The new song sucks elephant cock. Has anyone possibley heard some leaked tracks? If so, are they any better?
I might actually pick this album up!!! I always like collecting as many cd's as possible and the new rob zombie seems interesting but I will NEVER go to a rob zombie concert.he sucks live and also going to a concert and seeing movie preview at show...just seems lame.
I thought he was pretty bad ass live at Ozzfest (AZ), until he got to bitching about the 120 F or so weather, which was kind of justified.

But I'll still always like Rob best from his White Zombie to Hellbilly Deluxe days. These days I just check out whats happening...
Yeah, Foxy Foxy kind of does suck in a way but oh well. I heard "Let It All Bleed Out" and that song kicks ass!!! I just watched him play a new song on Jay Leno tonight called "American Witch" and that song also kicked ass! I am pumped for this cd. I think we should all just appriciate the bands we still love even if they have a couple bad songs cuz it's better than not having any new shit! Just like no more Pantera or AIC (even though they are getting back together) but you know what I mean?

i'm going to go listen to Let It All Bleed Out now!
It's a good album. I have to admit that I don't much care for "Foxy Foxy" but then again it's positioned as a single for American rock radio. To me that kind of tells the whole story.

I saw Zombie live last week and he rocked the house. I'm sure he has off-nights, but I've seen him twice and he's delivered both times.
Zombie is incredible live. The music is sharp and the show is awesome. I have yet to listen to the entire CD, but I had trouble with the last one as well.
i saw that video of his new one in that field with all those hot girls, and i think that MM John5 fella' is playing guitar for him .. that song does actually suck bitch-cock, i dont know what direction he's going in but im not sure if he can pull-off a country look with his checkered shirt lol.
i prefered him back when he had just started to do his own solo project, that shiznay was alright. :)
the single i heard was by far the lamest thing he's ever done... it sounded like it was thrown together in about 45 seconds.. "drums, do this (DOO DOO DOO), guitars do this (CHA CHA CHA), and then ill just say some shit (BLAHBEHTY BLAH)..."

totally uninspired