Rob Zombie Sues Mazda Over Unauthorized Use Of Songs


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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Rob Zombie will go to court in mid-July to settle a dispute with Mazda Trucks over the unauthorized use of the singer's music in the company's commercial two years ago. Mazda apparently used music from Zombie's Hellbilly Deluxe album without Rob's permission or knowledge and it infuriated the vocalist, who has never intended to allow his songs to be used for any such purpose.

“They [Mazda and the Doner advertising agency] don't seem to understand that once the cat's out of the bag it's hard to get him back in there,” Zombie is quoted as saying on Australia's Radio Undercover. “It's like [my policy is] 'I don't do this' and then there's a car commercial running on television with my music. How do you explain to every kid that you didn't sell out and didn't do exactly what you said you weren't going to do? Basically it's a question of what your reputation is worth. And Mazda takes it so lightly — like, 'Oh, whatever.' And I just don't see it that way.

“Someone like Britney Spears doesn't have any integrity to maintain so it doesn't matter — she's a corporate puppet from the get-go. But for people who AREN'T, it's different. I don't want to play that song live and see the kids go, 'Hey! It's the truck song!' Corporate America doesn't understand that some people actually have values about things. Everything isn't for sale.'”
Maybe Rob is a Chevy nut?
It'd be like Anthrax getting songs played by some company they don't like and then not making any money off of it. And if Rob doesn't like Mazda, that's up to him to not approve the song. It's his choice, not ours.
I realize that, but the fact is, how are they going to fix it?? They're going to pay him. They're going to write him a check. They can't go back in time and make the commercials to never have existed, so they are going to dip into their bank account. The fact that this happened two years ago and he is just now suing makes me really wonder if that isn't what it's all about to begin with. Like when Metallica sued Victoria's Secret over their lipstick, it happened right away. I'm so tired of lawsuits, I could care less who sues or wins or loses anymore. It's so old now.
Yeah. I'm so sick of people suing people. I remember naming something after something else was a form of tribute, now it's grounds for suing the fuck out of someone.
Rob is a sellout anyways. I put him in the same league as Britany, actually I like Brit better because she is something to look at. Rob is just a no talent money grubbibg douche bag, "I play for the KIDS, I love the KIDS." what a big steaming pile of shit, I have a question for you ROBBY, How many times can you fit the word "yeah" into a song, my last count was 35. Lame shit.:mad:
Yeah, but anyways...

Anything rob did with white Zombie before Astro Creep was good, anything after and his solo work was written for radio play, think about it. ~FUCK POSERS!~
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
I realize that, but the fact is, how are they going to fix it?? They're going to pay him. They're going to write him a check. They can't go back in time and make the commercials to never have existed, so they are going to dip into their bank account. The fact that this happened two years ago and he is just now suing makes me really wonder if that isn't what it's all about to begin with. Like when Metallica sued Victoria's Secret over their lipstick, it happened right away. I'm so tired of lawsuits, I could care less who sues or wins or loses anymore. It's so old now.

"The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers."-William Shakespeare, Henry the Sixth part II


After going through my divorce, I came to the conclusions that a) lawyers suck and b) our court system is real fucked up. I hired a very good lawyer. He did everything he said he would do, he got me everything, gave away nothing, and got me custody of my daughter, but the guy is a real cocksucker. I can't stand to look at him. Throughout the hearings, the above quote kept rolling through my head. I still have him on retainer and if I ever get into trouble I know I'd be well taken care of, but if I ever had to deal with him on a personal basis I'd probably smack his fat face.
Do yourself a favor, stay married.


(not that you need me to tell you that :) )
As someone who worked in advertising (it's only been 6 months since I haven't), I don't know how Mazda's lawyers fucked up in the first place. You have to get the artist or his label's permission before you air TV or radio spots with his material in it. Is it possible his label gave permission without him knowing? Who knows? Who cares?

If I ever get to work on an automobile account, you better believe I'll call Anthrax for Fueled before I call Metallica or Rob Zombie. I'll even scam the company to give the boys more than 10 grand and beg them to do a show tying in with the car. If the spot is done tastefully, both the car company and the band would benefit.

Advertising isn't completely evil. Only mostly. Sure beats flipping burgers at Mickey D's, though.
I agree that there is WAY too much lawsuit abuse going on now but I can totally agree with Rob on this one. Mazda stold his song and in his mind kind of ruined it. If he doesn't want them to get away with it what else (that would actually matter) can he the do besides sue them?
I can't believe what some you people are saying. It sounds like you think that any band that sues anybody should go to hell. Some of you already act like total losers and straight away start criticizing Rob for wanting justice to be done. You also go on to rip away all music credibility from Rob. You guys did the same with that Metallica debate with Lord Galvatron. You fuckin' acted like a bunch of babies and started saying stuff like oh the Black album was shit and crap like that. Grow up, what does everything have to be super fast and heavy to have some meaning to you people?? Rob's a great artist and has done everything his way from the beginning!! And as for the people who keep on disrepecting Metallica, the Black album pushed thrash to the forefront and helped make it popular. Metallica also made great albums like Master, Ride and Justice so why do you hate them so much. You wanna know what it is?? It's one big fucking trend to not like Metallica all of a sudden. Yes Load and Reload aren't up to standard but aren't total shit like some of you keep on saying!!
Well, I didn't say anything about Metallica's music on this one, so count me out of that rant. I brought up when they sued Victoria's Secret, which is a FACT. It happened. They named one of their lipsticks "Metallica" and they got sued and had to stop selling them and probably had to pay Metallica a buttload of money too. I didn't bring it up to say that they were wrong or going to hell over it, I was pointing out that it happened as soon as Metallica found out the product was on the market, and it was still quite new. Rob, however, is suing two years after the fact, which in my opinion, if ANYONE takes two years to sue ANYONE when they have grounds right away, I question their motives. That's all.
Brat I totally appreciate your manners and I'm sorry that I was a little offensive in some ways, but you've gotta admit that I had some great points there! :) I've seen how some people stick together on this board when it comes to certain things like hating Metallica or whatever and I bet a lot of people are going to dislike me just for saying what I've got to say. I have rebelled against a lot of Metallica haters here.
Umm, I was the only one to shit on Robby Boy here so I guess you were rantimg at me, I don't care if he sues or not, that is his problem, I just said that IMO his musical skills never progressed. Actually the rest of White Zombie(asides from Mike Tempesta) didn't either. And IMO opinion he is now writing music for the radio just like Metallica, I love old Metallica, Up to And Justice is great, but the Black album does fall flat, listen to AJFA and then TBA and tell me I'm wrong, they are Crying at Aerosmith ICON shows and shit, that is lame, Aerosmith is in the same boat as Met as far as I am concerned, why Aerosmith can't be bothered to write their own songs anymore, now I here a song Met did with Ja-fucking-rule!? Enough is ENOUGH. They are done. Rob just says "yeah" way too many times in everyone of his songs for my taste:)
I think I said in this thread that i counted it 35 times in his new song, I noticed it one day and I just can't take it, I start to crack up. "never gonna stop, Yeah!":lol: :lol: :lol: