Robin the dummer!


The Sanctified
Dec 16, 2001
Smögen, Sweden
I saw on a time ago that you went in as substitute drummer in their Istanbul gig.

How was it to play with them? I heard that you learned 10 songs in two days or something, I really admire that. Cool that two of my favorite bands work together...

What about touring Sweden with them, as next project? :grin: Then you'll surely have me as a certain visitor.. :rock:
Well, in all "modesty" I had approx. 2,5 days to rehearse with the band in Gothenburg...I had the songs earlier and learned a bit by listening and playing along:)
But anyway, playing with DT was a great experience, so was the trip to Turkey (never been that far from home before), and for the future?
Well I've only been "warned" for more all depends on Jivarp's (orig. dummer for those who don't know) ability to get time off work and family to go on tour so...I dunno yet.
But I'll be sure to tell Ya'll if I get to go on tour again so...since Lefay is taking it a bit easy I've offered my "services" as a session dummer to a number of contacts so I'm just hanging around and...well...let's see what happens...:p