Robot Zombie Army - 42 EP

They all sound great, but I think my favorite is "Thump Thump Thump" by far. The lyrics are especially good too.
Dude, this is really good shit. I like it better than anything else you've posted before. You have a great voice and a smart approach to using it. Keep it up!
What are you holding in your avatar? It looks like an N64 cartridge. ;)
Banjo-Kazooie or Donkey Kong to be exact.
I couldn't really tell what was on the sticker, and zooming it in just made it worse. I just saw a bunch of primary colors and what looked like an ape or bear on the left side. :loco: Now that I look though, it does look like Mario jumping.
Really all I could see was the "O" but I remembered the cover well enough that the rest of the colors seemed to fit in place.