Only two months late... not too shabby! In reality though, this BAD SECRETS 9"+CD release has seen several major delays and seemed almost cursed at times. Throughout three breakups of people involved in this project (including two divorces) this little beast has somehow pushed through, so we're very relieved to finally have this release in our hands... and for camp Robo to have survived unscathed (sorry guys).
Beyond finally shedding this bad juju, BAD SECRETS debut 9"+CD release turned out pretty awesome. Two-color silk-screened covers, custom 9" records, ridiculous color vinyl, CD of the same jams included, etc, etc. Musically it's a cross between pinnacle shoegazer stuff and lo-fi, psyched out blues... brought to you by folks from YOUNG WIDOWS / BREATHER RESIST and KODAN ARMADA.
All in all we're very happy with how this turned out in the end, and have posted the first track off this sumnabitch on our myspace page.
* 200 copies of "evil eye" (red / white mix with 1 black "planet" insert)
* 200 copies of "pie chart" (tri-blend split of three different pinks)
* 600 copies of "metallic red" (custom "metallic" pinkish-red color)
Please check out this release (and way more) in our Robotic Empire - Online Store

During these stupid economic times we've been trying to get creative with sales and deals and that kinda thing, to keep things interesting at least. Well this month our shtick is free "coaster packs" for all orders of $30 and more.
Pirates Press was kind enough to send us a small pile of "coasters" made out of some error/damaged vinyl that can result during production. These cut-down vinyl "coasters" are made out of the center label artwork, and a small amount of surrounding vinyl. A variety of different coasters are included in each pack from TORCHE, BAD SECRETS, A STORM OF LIGHT and NADJA. We'll be including these coaster packs with all Online Store orders over $30 until we run out of them. Perfect for your favorite beverage of varying alcohol percentage, or otherwise!

Hot on the heels of the badass ENEMY SOIL review that Decibel Magazine juiced us up with... a killer review of the new DIAL EP! Decibel has been hooking it up for years, but we're especially pumped that they gave this DIAL release a 9 / 10 review! The whole thing can be read here.
We're particularly stoked about this DIAL CDep and are really happy with the nearly unanimous positive press it's received thus far. If you haven't heard this New Zealand monster yet, you can listen to a few tracks on their myspace page, and pick up the release for just 5 bucks in our Online Store.
Beyond all this Robotic Empire-related activity, we've had a pretty killer slew of new releases & restocks hit our mailorder operation this week. Richmond brethren The Perpetual Motion Machine hooked us up with color vinyl copies of their new releases (ANCIENT SKY, THE CATALYST, LITANY FOR THE WHALE, etc) and it looks like we're the only distro besides them that got these stellar releases on colored wax. Also some rad new stuff from ACROSS TUNDRAS, Square Of Opposition/Dead Format Cassettes (including a vinyl release of the LICKGOLDENSKY demo - w t f?), HUMMINGBIRD OF DEATH, a few screamo restocks and more...
* Across Tundras - Lonesome Wails From The Weeping Willow CD (Forgotten Empire) $7.99
* Across Tundras - Western Sky Ride CD (Saw Her Ghost) $7.99
* Ancient Sky - Self-Titled - BLACK VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $10.99
* Ancient Sky - Self-Titled - CLEAR WITH PINK HAZE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $10.99
* Ancient Sky - Self-Titled - WHITE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $10.99
* Auryn / Bosque - Split 7" (Square Of Opposition) $4.99
* Bad Secrets - Self-Titled - EVIL EYE COLORED VINYL 9"+CD (Robotic Empire $13.99
* Bad Secrets - Self-Titled - METALLIC RED COLORED VINYL 9"+CD (Robotic Empire $13.99
* Bad Secrets - Self-Titled - PIE CHART COLORED VINYL 9"+CD (Robotic Empire $13.99
* Brown Recluse Sings - Selected Hymns Of The Evening Tapestry Cassette (Dead Format) $4.99
* Catalyst, The - Swallow Your Teeth CD (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $7.99
* Catalyst, The - Swallow Your Teeth - BLACK VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $10.99
* Catalyst, The - Swallow Your Teeth - GRIMACE PURPLE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $10.99
* Catalyst, The - Swallow Your Teeth - RED BLACK COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $10.99
* Comadre - A Wolf Ticket CD (Blood Town) $7.99
* Frog Eyes - The Golden River - WHITE COLORED VINYL 12" (Happy Home) $7.99
* Hummingbird of Death - Show Us The Meaning Of Haste CD (To Live A Lie) $8.99
* Lickgoldensky - Demo - ORANGE COLORED VINYL 7" (Square Of Opposition) $6.99
* Lickgoldensky - Demo - PINK COLORED VINYL 7" (Square Of Opposition) $6.99
* Litany For The Whale - Dolores - COKE BOTTLE CLEAR WITH BLACK HAZE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Litany For The Whale - Dolores - RED WITH BLACK HAZE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Litany For The Whale - Dolores - WHITE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Masato Tanaka / Pocket Gallows - Split 12" (Square Of Opposition) $9.99
* Mischief Brew - Boiling Breakfast Early Cassette (Dead Format) $4.99
* Oktober Skyline / Get To The Chopper - Split 7" (Square Of Opposition) $4.99
* Paramedic - Demo 2008 Cassette (Dead Format) $4.99
* Souvenir's Young America / City Of Ships - Split - AMBER MARBLE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Souvenir's Young America / City Of Ships - Split - BLACK BROWN COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Souvenir's Young America / City Of Ships - Split - DARK RED MARBLE COLORED VINYL 12" (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Yo Man Go - Life Lessons 7" (Square Of Opposition) $4.99
* Alcest - Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde - BROWN COLORED VINYL 12" (Hyperrealist) $14.99
* Comadre - The Youth CD (Blood Town) $7.99
* Gods & Queens - Untitled CASSETTE (Dead Format) $4.99
* Snack Truck - Harpoon CD (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $7.99
* South, The / Hypatia - Split 12" *VINYL* (Square of Opposition) $7.99
* Sparrows Swarm And Sing - Untitled #2 CD (The Perpetual Motion Machine) $9.99
* Blues - Snakepit - BLACK BEER COLORED VINYL 12" (1912) $14.99
* Blues - Snakepit - OPAQUE BROWN BEER COLORED VINYL 12" (1912) $14.99
Phew! Pretty substantial update this time, and really excited to finally have a NEW VINYL RELEASE available as well after so many re-presses and re-issues. Everyone please give the BAD SECRETS 9"+CD a chance, as its a crazy release to say the least! Peace.
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