Rock Hard pictures

Awesome pics. I cannot wait until July 29th. Unfortunately I'll be taking the NY bar exam up in Albany (passed the NJ bar Exam last year)....but I am sure I'll find a store to pick it up while I'm up there.

Wolftribe said:
i'll be at camp, but i'm hoping that the town that my camp is in will have a good cd store... good luck on the exam, dude...

Thanks! I should be shouldn't be any more difficult than NJ.

I entered it, but it doesn't matter, I never win anything. And I should also check the site more often, but hey, that's what thewendy is here for, to give us updates. Good pics (what's up with the goofy rockstar sunglasses?)
thewendy said:
I have posted some pictures from the Rock Hard festival show on-line
over at

They are of inferior quality but they are in fact video stills from a video recording. I am hoping to have bits and pieces of the show up soon.


You are Roxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and NVRMR too