Rock Mix - Check it out.

Sounds excellent man. Your low end sounds great, a very good radio rock mix, and a nice song as well.

I listened to just the first version, the vocal volume seems fine to me.
good mix! the snare sound could be a bit more metallic, but i think thats only my personal taste.

cheers jens
Thanks guys!

As far as the guitars, the only thing I did besides some EQ to the raw amp tones (DV Mark Triple 6 and a Bogner Uberschall), was to run them through a DBX 166 compressor. Not sure why, but I adore running guitars through that thing, just shaving 1-2 dB off.

What you may be hearing is the "sludge tracks" that I do for rock stuff. Basically it's a fuzz pedal into a high gain amp with the top end rolled down. I bring the tracks in and out wherever I feel the guitars need a bit more body and foundation.