
Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
First off, I know this isn't related in any way to CHICAGO POWERFEST, but thought this would be a good forum to ask this question.

Anyone here watching this show, where lovely ladies fight for the love and affection of the mighty BRET MICHAELS of POISON?

There is one contestant, Samantha, who sometimes sports a CHICAGO GIRLS OF METAL t-shirt.

Does anyone know if she is one of the CHICAGO GIRLS OF METAL? I have been curious for a few weeks now.

Anyhow, she is down to the final six!!
This show is addicting as all hell.
No worries - I'm the same way. I haven't really paid much attention to the show aside from watching a few minutes here or there. Been too busy lately and I really don't care for much reality TV aside from a handful of shows.
*sigh* I initially started to watch this show out of sheer morbid curiosity. After all, I am a child of the 80's and used to have the hugest "crush" on Bret Michaels. Would I ever seriously date anyone remotely in the public limelight like that? Never.

The first couple of episodes really turned me off. I think it was the combination of the utter stupidity of most of the girls on that show and how piggish Bret was coming off as. I seriously had to look away because some of those girls were just moronic beyond words. I stopped and said to myself, "What the hell am I doing watching this filth?".

I've continued to watch it for whatever reason. I think it's like witnessing a wreck on the highway. You really shouldn't stare but you can't seem to look away.

YEP! You can't look away is right!!!!
Sure, it's all scripted.
Though it is still interesting to watch him cast away the fakes and develop feelings for some along the way.

My pick would be Jes, though she is a bit young.

@ Diabolik - You watch the Coreys? :lol: Is it any good?
I loved Corey Feldman on the first season of the Surreal Life. I don't know how he ended up not getting killed on that show. Is he still a complete panty waste?
Is that how it started?
The girls didn't know who it was going to be?
I didn't see the first couple episodes.
That's funny actually.

Could you imagine if it was like the lead singet of BULLET BOYS or DANGER DANGER or something? All the 20 year olds would be like.....
WHO??????????? :lol:
I think the icing on the cake would be in the finale if the girl who loses out to the ultimate winner pulls off Brett's bandana!

That dude MUST have serious chrome dome underneath, with wearing all those hats and bandanas all the time.

I was in high school at the height of POISON's popularity and knew a lot of girls into glam metal at the time.

I think the chicks were more into Sebastian Bach than Bret Michaels.
I was hoping it was Ringo Starr. :lol:

Could you imagine if it was Cronos from VENOM? :lol:
I think Sebastian Bach would have been a better candidate if he wasn't already married. Though, these days, even Bas is seriously off of his rocker. Again, I don't know how anyone would want to date/marry someone in the public eye like that. Bah.

If they put Cronos on that show, it would only have lasted one episode. The girls would have bolted out of the room screaming. Yikes! :zombie:
I think Sebastian is a hoot, but come on...
He NEVER had any integrity.
He was always about being a showman first and foremost.
The difference between him and others though is he is a great showman and a funny dude.....

He would have been a riot on a show like this.