Rockbottom ADC


Feb 20, 2005
Hey dudes, I'm in the process of designing my ideal studio setup, and I've settled on an RME Fireface 800, with 4 channels from the stock pres and 4 from as-yet-undecided external preamp sources. This will yield me 8 channels for mic'ing, which is sufficient for anything I'd need to track (read: drums), but the problem there is that I wouldn't have any left over for talkback or accompanying scratch tracks.

So what I'd like is some unbelievably shitty 2- or even 1- channel ADC that I can use for these utilitarian purposes by running it via SPDIF into the Fireface. Any suggestions?

Ah, but when I say rockbottom, I don't mean $200, and more importantly, I don't think there'd be a way to rout the outputs to SPDIF unless I had it enabled as the main ASIO driver, which of course would render the Fireface useless
If you grab a Presonus Eureka and it's digital card, you not only get the Eureka pre, which is quite awesome, but it's got an input for a second line-level source (theory being that you can run stereo Eureka's via SPDIF with only one digicard). You can plug a POD into there, too.

Or, Behringer makes that cheapshit ADA8000 8ch ADAT mic pre.
Haha, ain't it the truth...I guess I'll just look for some old shitty Behringer, cuz the Eureka looks sweet but is still way too pricey for the use (literally just for talkback/scratch tracks). Thanks though, dudes
The Fireface 800 has analogue 8 ins/outs, but has 10 digital ins/out when factoring in the SPDIF.

From the RME site: Digital I/Os: Two ADAT optical I/Os allow for a connection and insertion of effects devices, mixing consoles or external converters. Of course, these 16 channels are available simultaneously with the analog channels. Using two additional ADI-8 DS, there are 26 analog inputs and outputs, which remain still 18 at 96 kHz. The coaxial SPDIF I/O works up to 192 kHz, so that there are still 10 analog in- and outputs at the highest sample rate, plus two digital ones