RockHard Festival, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 30th of May

Schwedentod said:
Hello all,

is someone here going to the abouve mentioned festival? I will be there, got tickets at ebay because I'll only be there on Sunday to watch DT... :hotjump:

Maybe someone would like to have a beer with me... :D

See you all... somewhere, sometime...
i`ll be there :OMG:
right. she's sucking her thumb while he's supporting her as she seems to have fallen over due to the weight of her massive breasts and can't get up.
well, i've never seen your massive breasts, but maybe you've grown them in the past month.
Q1. When's Tuska, roughly. Like, what month.

Q2. Is it on next year?

If it doesn't clash with Wacken and is on next year, I might GO!!!1
@schwedentod, and all those who might not have noticed: warwick is michael, dt's esteemed man behind the bass and official employer of my humble self as a perpetual on-stage drink mixer. so it's extremely unlikely that you'll miss him unless you stare at the wall while dt are playing.

@de: tuska is in july, 16 to 18, 2004. dt are playing this year, and everyone who matters will be there. plus maybe me, but that's not sure yet.
Gtranquillity said:
Just uploaded 135 DT pictures from the festival...

a lot of reaaaally good pictures! And you could even enter the stage for photographing, you lucky girl ;-);)

*hehe* actually last weekend I finally started to listen to DT. Maybe I go to the gig at Tuska after all ;D :D