Rockin on Peavey BANDIT!


aka utarefson
May 14, 2008
Jelenia Gora/PL
Hi guys!

I remember some of you were curious how does that bastard sound, so I had some time today and I mic'd my old trusty Peavey Bandit. Anyway, there ya go!

The chain was:

Epiphone LP Standard (Gibson 500T bridge p-u) > Bandit (lead - High Gain / clean - Vintage) > SM57 > Firepod

Double tracked and some minor processing like EQ and a bit of compression.

Edit: new mix -

Don't mind the sloppy playing, I live in an apartment so couldn't rock it for too long without the risk of beeing visited by law enforcement ;)

Yeah! Keessi also tipped me on these! seems they have an awesome KGGRRRRKGGRRR with a Hm2 on it :) Combined with a better amp on hm2 it sounded awesome.

And even without the grind magic of the hm2 this doesn't half bad aswell for combo man! nice!
sounds good, man I love my Peavey combo. Well it's a vypyr 30, but not that far off, and I have had zero probs. with it like others

with a little tweak to the mix, like bass up and bigger drums it would sit just fine
sounds good, dunno what the fucks up with that mic position though, ew