Rockin' Rita Inkin' Some Dimebag!!!


Timmy! Timmy!!! Timmy!!!
Jun 19, 2003
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For those of you who watch LA Ink Rita was on last night getting a tattoo of Dime on the bottom of her forearm. It even had some of that fuschia that dime dyed into his beard.

Also, she talked a little about that night and deserves a hell yeah for looking good IMHO - As you may know I like real woman not tweeker thin models - A very solid looking woman with a nice "RACK" and it looked like she's wearing her hair a little darker now then when they filmed Behind the Music.

:headbang: :kickass:
The tat looks great!!! and I just wanted to toast her. She looked a little tired on the show but damn sexy bodies like her's and Jennys :headbang: me.
Sorry guys, I think she looks like a Space-Pig from the planet Nasty. But...that's just me.