Rollcall for Friday night


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
So, ND are playing a show!!!
This is news people!!! :)

Who is going to be there?
I am planning on it, but working around some house / family obligations this weekend.

Boys - Do you know what time you are hitting the stage?
Too bad Ken, would have been cool to see you again.
It's been a long time.
Though the fact that I go only to about 3 or 4 shows a year these days doesn't help that much.
Damn, that's pretty freakin' early for an ND performance!!!!!!

Wow, I would be cutting it very close with work and traffic.....

Make Orphand Land and STS play before you guys.
It's YOUR hometown afterall!!!!!!!! :devil:
Wish I could be there, BTW, just listened to the these are they track up at metal sucks, LA MANO NERA fucking heavy paul!!
Great show last night guys!!
For those who didn't go, the setlist was as follows:
Autumn Reflection
Silent Tomorrow
The Pale Haunt Departure
Drown The Inland Mere
Eulogy For The Living Lost

Very good turnout too.
I like REGGIES more and more everytime I go there.
Orphaned Land were amazing too.
This was, without a doubt, one of the longest nights in my life. I ran into back trouble by song 3, making the set difficult to get through, and then recovery after the performance almost unbearable (I'm still suffering) but to top it all off, I had to leave abruptly before Katatonia was about to take the stage, as my wife and I had to rush to Plainfield to then take my daughter to the hospital who was doubled over from abdominal pain. After many hours of tests, and a CAT scan, Appendicitis was ruled out (which was the fear from the doctor) it was downgraded to a virus of some sort. So, here at 8:35, I NOW will attempt sleep.

The show itself was great. I absolutely love playing Chicago these days. It seems we finally have a solid core audience. The next DVD will certainly be shot at home.
Speedy recovery to the daughter, sir!

That's a pretty bold statement about your next DVD being filmed in Chicago, too... Give us all PLENTY of notice (6+ months?) and I can guarantee my presence.
Thanks to all of you guys here who made it out to the show, it's much appreciated. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it?

*EDIT -- Sorry, after posting this I noticed some of you guys' comments on another thread regarding the show. Sorry to hear you guys weren't pleased, we did our best.
Larry, you guys have known me for quite some time.
One thing I am always 100% honest with is anything related to ND, because I am that big of a fan, where I can't be anything less than honest.

You guys played very well. It just seemed though overall that you guys weren't firing on all cylinders.
Something just seemed missing.

Maybe we just need some new tunes to hear live!!!
For us regulars, the setlist was standard.

Though, playing the show certainly served its purpose.
You guys played in front of people you probably hadn't before, and went over well.

Oh, and thanks for offering me your Roger Waters tickets. That's very kind of ya!!!!
Jasonic -- keep dreamin' buddy, those tickets are all mine!!!! lol

Don't get us wrong, we very much appreciate the honest opinions (as long as people aren't deliberately trying to be insulting dicks about it, which you weren't) I just wish I knew exactly what it was that made you guys think we weren't firing on all cylinders. There were some obvious things that made the show not our usual, having little to no stage space (I mean seriously, that was some cramped shit up there, I literally couldn't move two feet in any direction, due to the amount of gear all around me from our backline and the headliners' pedal boards, etc.), being rushed up onstage with no soundcheck, and Paul was hurting alot (as he already mentioned). Perhaps those factors made us come off less favorably, which is a shame, because honestly I felt pretty good performing and had a good time, all things considered. But it's just frustrating because we're always analysing what we do, and how we can do it better next time.

Plus, yknow, as for the setlist, we were given a max of 40 minutes to play, and they TRIED to cut us down way more, we almost wound up only doing five songs!!! We got lucky and managed to maximize our time and got seven songs in, but obviously with such little time we have to play the "standards", because most people wouldn't tolerate us not playing "Rain" or "Autumn Reflection", etc. Had it been a headlining show, the setlist would've been way different, and might've even included one of the new yet-to-be-released tunes from the next record! But this just wasn't the show for it, unfortunately.

Well, no matter, we'll be back on a Chicago stage sometime relatively soon, after the new album is recorded and ready to be released, and you'll be hearing a whole bunch of new tunes, and we've already discussed pulling out one or two older ND tunes that we've never played live before. So it just gives you guys something to look forward to!
It was a good setlist choice, esp for playing a gig supporting Katatonia.

I totally understand and agree that a headlining set would be a different animal.
The set was a good representation of your guy's sound.

Don't get me wrong, I certainly enjoyed every second of the set, as I do with any ND gig.
There just seemed to be something missing or a bit off.

The things you mention above certainly (and probably were) could be factors.

Not to deliberately change the topic, but how did this gig go for you guys in terms of making new fans?
I know it's pretty rare these days that ND plays a support gig.
I would guess from the crowd response that you guys sold some merch to new fans that night.
We did well with merch sales, especially for an opening act, so we were quite happy with that. From our vantage point it seemed like we did pretty good in terms of crowd response by the latter half of the set, so hopefully we turned some new people onto ND. I guess the results will depend on the turnout at the next show, if we manage to bring back some of those new people to see us again.

We don't do many opening slots because of the aforementioned issues that come up with doing it, we're kinda used to being able to do our full proper show and have it organised a certain way. But we were fans and acquaintances/friends with all three of the touring bands so we thought it'd be fun to do the show with them, and if we could turn a few people onto ND in the process then all the better.
Absolutely! It was a great gig for you guys to be on.
Perfect fit musically, and Katatonia certainly is big enough of a band now who has some fans who may not be familiar with you guys.

At least they didn't make you wear wristbands that said "LOCAL" right??? :)
It was good to see you again, Larry. Sorry I didn't stay to chat. Long bloody month.