rolling Stone on DM

I refuse to buy it unless it's re-mixed/remastered. Maybe Andy will grace us with a few "listenable" self-mixed versions with his master's touch? That would be a version I would buy!! :kickass:
"Even Ted Jensen, who is credited with mastering DM in the liner notes, admitted on a message board, “Believe me I’m not proud to be associated with this one, and we can only hope that some good will come from this in some form of backlash against volume above all else.” Jensen said the mixers of the album are to blame for the compression problems. Metallica is usually on hand for the mixing stage, but this time around they were away in Europe."

That's interesting to hear Ted Jensen confirm that the mixers were the ones at fault... Seriously, what kind of "professional" mixer would make such poor decisions? Also, I can only imagine how awful it would be to have to mix a Metallica record with Lars over your shoulder the whole time...haha!
I think it says ALOT when the mastering engineer doesn't want to be associated with it. I mean it's a Metallica record, it's dream for every rock producer and an amazing thing to have on your resume, and he doesn't want to be linked to it. But who the fuck mixed it?
That's interesting to hear Ted Jensen confirm that the mixers were the ones at fault... Seriously, what kind of "professional" mixer would make such poor decisions? Also, I can only imagine how awful it would be to have to mix a Metallica record with Lars over your shoulder the whole time...haha!

the article claims that the band was in europe when the album was mixed...whene it comes down to it, i wouldn't doubt that rubin was the one standing over the engineer's shoulder screaming "louder! i want it LOUDER!"

i mean, c'mon...californication, anyone? this isn't the 1st major album he's produced that has come out total crap.
It seems like everyone is pointing fingers at someone else. People are saying the band wasn't present during the mix or master. Ted is blaming Greg Fidelman. IIRC, didn't Ted master Chimaira's "resurrection"? I remember that being pretty squashed, now not nearly as bad as Death Magnetic, but still I highly doubt Andy sent Ted a squashed stereo mix, so it's not like Ted hasn't gone down this path before.

Also with Greg, if I'm in his shoes(meaning that I'm a successful engineer and I'm having a good career at the moment) and I felt that I was being pushed by the band/producer/A&R/whoever to make decisions with the mix that I knew as an engineer would make the record come out like it did, I would jump ship. I'm sure your getting a lot of money to do this record, but its not like this was a "make or break" record for Ted or Greg. I don't get why these guys are always pointing the blame away when well..they were the ones pushing the buttons.

I think it really came down to Gred Fidelman being not experienced in working with a heavy metal band. I think it shows that it's not quite that easy and the project was much more suited for a producer like Andy or Colin.