Rollins Band

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
I didnt know wether to post this here or in GMD, but w/e. Anyother Rollins fans here? I'll just keep it breif cause I could go on forever talking about why I think they rule. But I'll just say their one of my favorite bands, and Rollins is one of my musical heros.
Depends which Rollins Band you mean. The early stuff was cool, but I think those Mother Superior guys suck.
Dear Oblivious,

I love Rollins Band, even though I've collected as much from them as I'd care to - usually after about three albums I "get" what a band is trying to say. I make an exception for Metallica, of course.

The thing I love about Rollins and his band (though Black Flag is outside my experience), is that he is so incredibly positive. He is hypermasculine nearly to the point of caricature, obsessed with spiritual hygiene and the expiation of male shame, he's heterosexually Romantic without being vulgar, and he's intrinsically futuristic - what else is "Shine" about if not taking command of yourself in order to help create the Future?

When my friends were all listening to rappers talking about how they'd like their female sex slaves to lick their assholes and how they were plotting to blow white men's brain's out with their compensational 9mm pistols, Rollins Band's Weight, especially Disconnect, Civilized, and Shine, were my antidotes to the anti-white, anti-female, anti-goodness degraded bestial hatred and resultant amplified teenaged malaise, deadness, and cynicism I was surrounded by.

Henry Rollins fuckin kicks ass.
