Rome - Nera (CMI164)


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
Absolutely stunning album. It's only a few listens in and I think that it's going to make my top 10 for the year: I'll post more samples later, but seriously, check it out:


Band - ROME
Title - Nera
Label - Cold Meat Industry
Format - CD
Year - 2006
Genre - Apocalyptic Folk, Martial Industrial

After a highly praised mini-CD, "Berlin", released on CMI only 3 months ago, the interest for this newcoming martial pop act has been immense. And ROME delivers! Already featured in French magazine D-Side, as well as the German magazines Sonic Seducer (2nd place in soundcheck), and the upcoming issue of Orkus. ROME was founded in 2005 as a main output for the songs of Jerome Reuter, Luxembourg.
Long time since a debut album was so eagerly awaited as by ROME, and Nera, which is the title of this brilliant piece, is "black" indeed. The atmosphere weighs heavy on the soul - a burden of flowers. However, ROME manages to include warmth and affection in its cold world of steel. The main characters in this language of lurking are defeated men - not unschooled by pain - in seedy places. ROME songs are full of citations, abstractions and ideals. The marching and counter-marching of doubtful armies luring our love away, with licit grace, icy and bitter irony. Gentle phantasms of desire. The reversal of sympathies. The aspects of eternity, spiritual hunger, treachery and corruption, shame and honour - being more than mere traps for the unsophisticated. These are some of Nera's interlocking themes in a world scorched by the wastefulness and cruelty of war. Nera is the meticulous patience of rage. Get it now and make it your friend, before it devours you.
Presented in another beautifully debossed 4-panel digipak!

1.Der Zeitsturm 2.A Burden of Flowers 3.Reversion 4.A La Faveur De La Nuit 5.Das Unbedingte 6.Rape Blossoms 7.Beasts of Prey 8.The Blade Unmasked 9.Hope Dies Painless 10.Nera 11..Birds of Prey 12.Les Hirondelles

EDIT: here's some more

Beasts Of Prey
A Burden Of Flowers
Hm, I tried to download the song but it turned out I had already done so, and forgototten what it sounded like.
All of which probably means it sounded "dull" :)

EDIT: it seems I was right. Where's the HEAVY METAL?! ;[[[[[
Seriously though, even though I think the vocals are pretty tedious, this might be growing material
There are few mp3s on their myspace but it doesn't work at the moment. (yes, myspace sucks :lol:)
Reversion is good. the voice... :loco:
holy crap if i only listened to this stuff i think one day i would just lose the will to live, probably while listening in the car, and i would slump over the wheel and veer into oncoming traffic. and the autopsy would show cause of death: m00se musik.

i mean, i like it.
holy crap if i only listened to this stuff i think one day i would just lose the will to live, probably while listening in the car, and i would slump over the wheel and veer into oncoming traffic. and the autopsy would show cause of death: m00se musik.

i mean, i like it.

you should listen to Canaan, unless you already know this band.
Canaan is absolutely fantastic. Neronoia's debut is also a must for every Canaan fans out there.

edit: Rome sounds awesome. I'm buying this on next paycheck.
Canaan is absolutely fantastic. Neronoia's debut is also a must for every Canaan fans out there.

edit: Rome sounds awesome. I'm buying this on next paycheck.

If only I hadn't got a "to buy" list as long as the transsiberian railway... :cry: