Romeo deserves his own Web-Site!!!


One Man Gang
Oct 15, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Don't you think?! Same with the rest of the band members..their own personal web-sites where fans can view their full equipment and get advice on playing tips, as well as full biographies and videos!!! (out of breath) :eek: :lol:
That, my friend, is the best fucking idea, I've heard this week! Hell yeah, I'd like to see Romeo have his own website with videos, lessons, gear tips and fan mail!
Now, if someone would tell Mike...:)
We need some video clips of unreleased solos too...maybe some studio footage! I would like to see him play some Dark Chapter stuff!
yes YES YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES !!! GREAT idea !!! this would have come sooner or later i suppose , but we want it now :)
vids , gear , lessons , this excites me :cry: :p
Originally posted by Grom Hellscream
Nice idea, but futile. I think he will have no time for it.

Hell, if it's designers there is needed, I'm willing to do it for free.. It would be my homour to help do something like that for Michael Romeo :)

(yes, I tend to daydream a lot....)
Originally posted by mark_bwaite
But how do we get this to Romeo?! Lady of the Snow may be able to help!

Ehhh, moi?? How? :) Maybe you mean Lady Of The Oracle?

Anyhow, if MJR would have a website, I'd be one of the first persons to visit, for sure.
I'm sure, if MJR feels the need for a website, he'd be going for it.

If any band needs help, and as long as there are fans willing to take that serious job of running a site (and the responsibility), that'd be a great chance for a fan.
Btw, I'm running my Kamelotsite for free ;)
So far I'm not too busy. In March I'm finally starting out freelance for a webdesign company.
Originally posted by SyX-Fan
Hell, if it's designers there is needed, I'm willing to do it for free.. It would be my homour to help do something like that for Michael Romeo :)

(yes, I tend to daydream a lot....)

Heh, if you don't dream you won't go anywhere my friend ;)

Romeo deserves his own website indeed, maybe some fans could do the work for him. I don't know if my experience is relevant in this subject, but i'll post it anyway. I started in (HMAS) a Un-Official Darkane board a few days ago, it's one of my favorite bands and I wanted some place where I could go and talk about them. I talked to a friend and he sent an e-mail to Chris (Darkane's guitarrist) and he checked the forum out, he loved it! :D . Needless to say, i'm running the forum and 2 of the band members made posts there already.

If you feel the need to make a Michael Romeo website, go for it! I did the same thing and look what happened :D
Come to think of it.. I have an exam project soon anyway.......:D

It's gonna be a mess of blood sweat, maybe tears, depends on my mood, but it will be worth it :) Don't know how much info and things there really is to post that isn't already many other places online though.....
That's really cool. You can always ask for help here on the forum, i'm always available for a little help and i'm sure some other members would help.
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
That's really cool. You can always ask for help here on the forum, i'm always available for a little help and i'm sure some other members would help.

cool, thanks! Really appreciate it :)
*starting to feel pressure*
*tries to figure out excuse*

I'm only 17..

*realizes the excuse sucked*

I'll see what I can do :) Don't kill me though if it's not something good enough.......
Originally posted by the_satanic_rabbit
Hey man, if you need help I will help you. I used to be a web programmer (well, still am sorta in limbo right now)

php, coldfusion, or asp...even jsp, I can help.

thanks.. I'll let you know :)
(Did I ever mention how awesome the people on this board is?? :cool: )