Romeo on Guitar World's "Fastest Players"...

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Not sure where to put this, but it's about Romeo, so I think it deserves its own thread. He only gets a small mention, but he's ranked pretty high on this list. Wooh!

Yeah I saw that... GW is so fully of crap, that listing was done by a guy off the Outworld forum, Guitar World didn't include him in their 'FASTEST guitarist' list, or Tony MacAlpine or Rusty Cooley, yet they managed to find a spot for BOTH guitarists from Dragonforce and a number of other crap bands... grrr... GW annoys me a great deal... :mad:

Seriously, what's the point of this? I don't believe you can measure the speed of guitar players objectively. (Same goes for technique and everything else).

Well, atleast Romeo has his name there!
Yeah I saw that... GW is so fully of crap, that listing was done by a guy off the Outworld forum:mad:

...And from the Racer X forum, the MAB forum, and several others :eek:

those guys are totally missing Jasun Tipton of Zero Hour. obliteration. Seriously, Mark Tremonti? :lol:

It's actually just one guy, and it's a "scientific" approach to calculate it.

Seriously, what's the point of this? I don't believe you can measure the speed of guitar players objectively. (Same goes for technique and everything else).

Well, atleast Romeo has his name there!

Why couldn't you? Read the full thread and you'll understand.
I'd think a scientist would pick the best possible subjects to conduct his test on... but that's just me. Like if I wanted to test running speed of animals, I wouldn't pick a tortise as one of my subjects. Picking Greg Howe and Steve Morse (don't get me wrong, they are EPIC guitar players) doesn't add up because they aren't shred demons. And Tremonti isn't even worth mentioning. Seems to me that if it were a contest of speed, I'd go with the fastest.
I'd think a scientist would pick the best possible subjects to conduct his test on... but that's just me. Like if I wanted to test running speed of animals, I wouldn't pick a tortise as one of my subjects. Picking Greg Howe and Steve Morse (don't get me wrong, they are EPIC guitar players) doesn't add up because they aren't shred demons. And Tremonti isn't even worth mentioning. Seems to me that if it were a contest of speed, I'd go with the fastest.

I'm guessing he choose the popular/known guitarists, aswell as the faster ones, just so you could get some comparison. This is just alternate picking though, hence why people like Holdsworth or Gambale aren't in there.
:lol: Now comes a tear fest, wonder if its scientifically possible to predict from whos eyes the tears will flow fastest. Theres no doubt there are other "fast" guitar players that didnt make this list... but who wants to listen to their "music"
What a dumb ass list...Mark Tremonti, come on!
I agree with that guy about Rusty Cooley...unlistenable...Chris Broderick is barely more tolerable.
Fastest guitarists...shouldn't Matthew Mills be on that list...not that you would want to listen to one note, but the guy is as fast as they come.
Actually I've heard some pretty interesting stuff from Tremonti and find him to be pretty skillful, not that anyone would want to be able to hear it. Everyones entitled to their favorites and bias, it even seems as though the guy used some cronology to give credit to those that came first even though they may have been "surpassed" depending on ones qualifications. One of the "fastest" I know of, lives less than 10 miles away and you cant get him to pick up the guitar.
Opps ! .... I just finally read the main artical... lol. I see how he did it now and of the guitarists on there I know of it sounds about right. Morse is darn clean and fast but still remains 3 NPs behind the average speed demons who we all know most of thier names... at 15 NPS which includes Yngwie, DiMeola, Petrucci, Becker, Moore, DeLucia, Romeo... ect. Of those Im surprised about is McLaughlin as I usually felt he was sloppy or noisy by comparision. Talk about a wild card... John Sykes.... glad to see him on there, hes done some of my favorite commercial work and I never hear him mentioned around guitar circles.

Mills in on there Schenk, but this guy disregarded sweeps and from what I remember of the vid you put up awhile back that was his strong suit, sweep after sweep after sweep.

These results would change, no doubt if one were to use 5 second "clips".
Hell Jeff... you gotta be up around the 14+ NPS.... no ?

again regarding Tremonti and the alternate picking NPS system this guy used he really does have some damn fast flat picking on these Alter Bridge CD's.
Tell us who!
German Schauss. He's the man. And I think he's faster than a lot of the guys that are ranked above him. MAN that guy has perfect chops.

Hell Jeff... you gotta be up around the 14+ NPS.... no ?
Haha, doubt it, man. My chops are pretty shit, especially right now. My picking used to be pretty badass in high school when I discovered DT/SX/Yngwie/Becker and just got obsessed and practiced all day. Now I have nothing resembling discipline. :lol: There's definitely a few dudes around the forum who can shred like that, though.
I find this completely ridiculous. Who cares how fast a guitarist can play? These aren't sports statistics... guitar playing is all about feeling, which is subjective.
1.) It's just for fun.
2.) I only mentioned it because Romeo was mentioned, and it's nice to see him get some recognition for his awesome chops.

Playing fast is fun. Yeah, it's not the end-all of musical abilities, but come on... this is a heavy metal forum. Fast guitar playing is talked about from time to time.
Guitar fans owe a lot to Willjay, as 90% of the Shawn Lane material available on the web is due to him. I've never vested much interest, but he's been doing this for a long time now, I remember him posting on the Petrucci forum years ago about this stuff. Everything I've seen/read about his process leads me to believe that his findings are accurate....but I still don't think there's any valid way to assess a player's speed because of the variety of techniques, the vast differences that can be made by simply altering the left hand fingering of something, etc. Then there's the fact that I really don't care who's faster than who:), but this is all in good fun so I really can't be bothered by it.

About Tremonti....his lead work doesn't impress me (this is coming from a fan too, fwiw), but I would say he is a good guitar player and a good writer.