Ronnie Stixx leaves Vicious Rumors


Apr 19, 2005
Well, it seems that something is going wrong with Geoff Thorpe...

Vocalist Ronnie Stixx has announced his departure from San Francisco Bay Area metallers VICIOUS RUMORS. In a posting on his MySpace page, he writes, "It's official — I have quit VICIOUS RUMORS due to unfair conditions and very shady acts from certain members [of the] band.

"This may come to no surprise to many of you.

"This decision was made during the Headbangers Open Air 2009 [festival in Brande-Hörnerkirchen, Germany in July].

"From that the start, I feel like I have been treated like a outsider and still owed money from past 2008 shows... but I still always put 110% in VICIOUS RUMORS despite all warnings from many of you who have delt with VICIOUS RUMORS in the past.

"WELL, YOU WERE RIGHT. I guess I found out the hard way.

"I am sorry if I let the VICIOUS RUMORS fans down for leaving the band, but you have to see from my point of view. When a band has lots of lineup changes and vocalist quitting, they must have had a good reason for leaving.

"I will not bash or go into detail with what those shady acts are.

"Look, everyone who knows me knows that I am cool to everyone, but I just could not deal with ROCK STAR EGOS and shy conditions any longer.

"Look, when you are faced with big egos, you can do one of two things — either eat their shit or tell them to fuck off!

"With [no new] material being written or recorded in over two years and just milking the tours on old songs for one person's gain, this was not what I thought it was going to be.

"Well, they may come out and say, 'Well, he was just a hired gun,' but you have to be paid to be called that!

"Call it what you will — quit, fired, split, whatever! At the end of the day, it was not working out.

"I will continue with BLOOD REDSKIES as we gear up for our new album due for March 2010 as well festival dates in the U.S. and Europe."
Hmm... So he quits Vicious Rumors and he got the boot from Wycked Synn. I dunno whose side to take or who is right. As a friend of Ken (from Wycked Synn), I'm inclined to take Ken and VR's side, but only the parties involve really know the truth.

The new material VR had posted sounded promising when I listened to it last year. Ronnie's a great talent.
Bad news, just saw VR live a month or so ago and Stixx really seemed to fit in 100%. Awesome vocalist !