Rookie Bassist turns Rookie Guitarist? O.O

Rookie Bassist

Tarot rulez all!
Mar 8, 2010
Nah, just wanna learn more


Bass is my #1 love. Nothing can come between my Warco and me, I want to do more so I got me a Jackson Dinky DKMG. Me loves :headbang:

better pic:
any advice for a guy looking to pick up bass? im thinking about going with a 4 string deans for around 200 bucks. something to start learning on. also gonna try learning it without using a pick. whats your take on going strictly fingers?
any advice for a guy looking to pick up bass? im thinking about going with a 4 string deans for around 200 bucks. something to start learning on. also gonna try learning it without using a pick. whats your take on going strictly fingers?

Go pickless...I use fingers. Sounds kinky but I like to feel the strings. Picks are for guitars anyways...even if my idol uses a pick on his basses. Good move on going with 4 strings,start there then later if you want, go for a 5er. I'm sticking with 4, you really don't need more than that, even for drop tuning...low B is fine but it's just one more string to worry about.

I don't know about Deans, it wouldn't be fair to comment on something I don't know about. Which Dean specifically you looking at?

For around $200, I'd look at Squier P standard OR..better yet, look on Craigslist cos you can get a deal off there.
Don't let people tell you Squier is shit, they're not a super hot shit bass but they're good for starting and cheap. I have a Squier, It's a cheap plywood bass but when I used to play it, it had a decent sound.
My Warwick took it's place. I'm still learning...if you can save up more, you can find a Warwick for around $500, German. Not Rockbass. If you're gonna do metal, the 'wicks are great.

If you look at Ibanez, be wary...I had a bad experience with GSR200FM. I've heard good about them though, some have good luck. I didn't.

Most importantly, seek out a teacher. Only a teacher can show you what to do, how to sound and is a lot of fun to jam with.
yea both my friend and my brother play on ibanez guitars. my friend swears by them. but since i dont have the long fingers or time to learn guitar, i told myself id pick up the bass this holiday and learn it.

the bass that i want is a b.c. rich 4 string celtic virgo. but guitar center is offering a deal on a 4 string dean right now with an acoustic(brand) amp for like 200 bucks. i figured that would be a great starting package to just learn on.

but yea i pretty much going to be playing metal mostly, and maybe a touch of floyd cuz rodger waters is my hero. looking for something with a long neck too, just feels more comfortable to me. and glad to hear im not the only one who wanted to go fingers only. have u tried messing around with "Slapping" or w/e its called yet? im curious how difficult that is to learn.
My fingers aren't particularly long, as least i dont think so...i can play both although I'm finding it a little difficult to arch over strings on the guitar cos I'm used to laying them out over the bass's fretboard.

You gotta have time to learn bass. It's not a quickie thing to learn. It took me months to work out a good technique, because of tab I still don't know where all the notes are either. I forgot most of the notes on the bass lines; I remember treble much more from my marching band days.
After a year I'm just scratching the surface.

I don't slap, pop or any of that doesn't interest me. I just like good ol rock bass lines.

Go for the Dean starter, that's step one. Get a good book (Hal Leonard is a good publisher of books) and get a teacher.
I do like the Acoustic brand of amp...there's this neat little mini stack for $300...
Don't ever.... EVER buy a low end B.C. Rich, they're awful. So are Deans, get an Ibanez, Brice, or a Schecter bass before one of those god awfully shaped basses. You need to get comfortable with the bass before going all crazy with the shapes. Not to mention the features are going to be weaker because of the wacky body shape. One of the main reasons I hate BC Rich's is that they're very uncomfortable to play, not to mention they're shit sounding.

Just get a normal shaped bass, yeah sure they aren't "metal" but you'll be better off.
Don't ever.... EVER buy a low end B.C. Rich, they're awful. So are Deans, get an Ibanez, Brice, or a Schecter bass before one of those god awfully shaped basses. You need to get comfortable with the bass before going all crazy with the shapes. Not to mention the features are going to be weaker because of the wacky body shape. One of the main reasons I hate BC Rich's is that they're very uncomfortable to play, not to mention they're shit sounding.

Just get a normal shaped bass, yeah sure they aren't "metal" but you'll be better off.

kinda hard to believe what u say knowing that some of my favorite guitarists play strictly deans.
It's all a matter of preference. My pro friend says many guitarist don't like Fenders, then some swear by Fenders...something about the neck they don't like. He swears by Floyds, then my brother says don't get a Floyd they suck...well, I'm gonna listen to a professional on that topic LOL...I'm glad I got a Jackson with stays in tune unlike what my bro said hehe's preference. See, my issue would be if I can't see and play the bass I don't buy. It's best to try them out.

With my experience with the Ibanez GSR200FM, they are not worth the mahogany they're made from.

I do agree with getting a regular ol shaped bass,the one in my banner is what I have, it's very comfy and has good weight, I can't stand lightweight basses(Ibanez Sr300...blech!! it's featherweight!! Danalectro Longhorn: WTF!?)...but it's not a low end. That's about a $1500 bass.
BUT...if you can save, and it's so worth can get a deal on a Warwick Rockbass, but get a 2010 model, they're so much better than previous versions. Built better. But avoid "Carolina" wood, it's crap...
And the Squiers...they have a good tone and do well for starters. I prefer the P&J config cos you get the jazz neck which is thinner.

Funny about a bass being "Metal" or not...Marco Hietala usually plays one of his Warwick Infinitys...they're hardly "metal" looking...the Vampyre, well, yeah....MY bass is not metal looking but it can be used for that style just fine.