What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

That is all.
Beneath the Remains and Arise, total winnars. Awesome stuff.

But Roots man. Roots Bloody Shitcunting Roots. Damn does it rule.
It did? Maybe I still don't know what mallcore even is, but I'd have to disagree, with full frontal nudity.
Oh okay. Well then like, no way. I blame that stuff on Korn's debut, which was 2 years before Roots. Sepultura just borrowed their producer Ross Robinson. Although one could also look back to 1988 with the Anthrax/Public Enemy thing that really kickstarted it, or even White Zombie and others in the wee years of the 90s or...

I was going to write more about how much I hate nu-mall but some is okay, but then I remember how much Roots kicks the living shit out of probably 427 other CDs in my collection. [/Sorath-esque self-divergence]
Eh, I didn't think nu-mall started to suck until everyone and their mother started their own nu-band and the genre exploded into a Ball of Weakness. Probably somewhere around 1998 I thought "something doesn't smell right..." and then a year or so later the good bands had either disappeared, broke up, or just started to suck.

Chaos AD and especially Roots are percussion exercises with guitars, oh man do they both rule.

Oh shit I just realized where it all began, Helmet - Meantime, released in 1992. Man does that album rock my socks.
