Rotting Christ...opinions?


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Thoughts on Rotting Christ? In my quest to actually look to the past with black, doom, and some death metal classics, I keep running into Thy Mighty Contract, Triarchy of Lost Lovers, and Sleep of the Angels with comparisons, reviews and recommendation lists.

So far I've taken care of Samael (which I adore), Darkthrone, working on Bathory, Moonspell if you consider Wolfheart, Tiamat, etc...

Thanks guys. :Spin:
That is my favourite R.C. album too, but i'd say that it is worth owning some of the other albums, although they are not something really special. "Non Serviam and especially "Thy Mighty Contract" are considered to be classics by some..
Also, prefer "A Dead Poem" to "Sleep Of The Angels".
yeah, reviews say genesis is top quality. placing order for ToLL now. will judge the band based on that

though ill still prolly get thy mighty contract
Yeah, I wish I was as disciplined as J. The fact of the matter is that I am a fucking glutton and would be in ridiculous debt. Not that I don;t spend an assload of money/week on music as it is.
Coolest thing about Rotting Christ is that they manage to stay almost entirely unique in a world of "samey" metal. Yes, I can easily admit that much of what I listen to & enjoy is very "samey."

Rotting Christ is somehow not.
Never heard 'em. [/useless post]

I remember when Buttstain took 'em off the Gigantour because of their name. So what kind of music is it that would have IoftheStorm chime in as well? Doom?
Rotting Christ is black[end] metal, for the most part. Some modern black metal sounds on their later releases.

MA calls them "Black Metal (early) Black/Gothic Metal (now)"

Nemtheanga loves them :loco:
Nemtheanga loves them :loco:

This slipped past my radar, but now that I'm going to catch RC next month with Melechesh, I heed their cries.

Nemtheanga's guest vox on Aeola - Thou Art Lord

I'm going to have to revisit their older material, never gave them too much attention. All hail Greece!

Semi related - Started watching Spartacus: Blood & Sand last night. Ridiculous CGI blood aside, this show kicks fucking ass. It's like watching the adventures of Kevin Sorbo on Horny Goat Weed.
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