Rough mix from the drum sessions


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
For those of you who were following the 'Drum mics' thread (and for those of you who weren't!) here's a clip of a VERY rough mix from the drum sessions, mixed on my laptop speakers!! The final mixes are going to be done by someone far more competent than myself.

Armistice Clip

Guitars (Uberscahll Pod XT model) and keys are scratch, the bass (DI and Ampeg SVT Pro) and drums are final tracks.

The band is Liquid Sky who I am currently working with to record their self finaced debut album.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Sounds good yes, too bad the drummer is not very tight though, guess you didn't have enough time for the takes...

There are a few hits missed on the kick thanks to Drumagog, mostly it's in with the click track we set though (and according to beat detective it's within my desired range of 95% accuracy). It took us half a day just to get that track down due to the fact that we increased the speed by 15bpm (from 125 to 140).

Snare (the drummers own) is miced with an SM57 on the bottom and an Audix i5 on the top (phase reversed for the bottom mic, obviously).

Kick is multi-samples of the studios Yamaha stage custom advantage mic'd with a D6 inside close to the rim.
It doesn't help that the guitarist and keyboard player are really out on these scratch tracks either!! I found the culprit for the dropped beats, trying to use Drumagog at 4am!! I just checked it out and it's set up all wrong, fixed it now though!!