Roy Z : Producer / Guitarist Extraordinaire


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Roy Z albums I'm familiar with:

Balls to Picasso - Bruce Dickinson
Accident of Birth - ditto
Chemical Wedding - ditto
Resurrection - Halford

I think the Bruce solo albums are very good, in particular Chemical Wedding which I think is one of the best albums I've ever heard. The Halford album is ok - some of it is good, some of it I don't care for.

However, I'm not familiar with Halford's Crucible, Helloween's The Dark Ride, or Rob Rock's Eye's of Eternity. Based on the fact that I like his other stuff, I'm interested if anyone has any thoughts on these albums?

Also, any thoughts or familiarity on any of his other projects such as Tribe of Gypsies or Downset?