Ruisrock 2005 pictures, cob

Surely better than no pics at all.. thanks for sharing man!

All those Festivals look so awesome.. :cry:

[EDIT] At least they recently announced a show in Quebec with the North American 'premiere' of Dragonforce and Kamelot (Canadian 'premiere').
The Soulforged said:
they were really blurry. but i guess it is hard to get good pics that far back in the pit. especially we people all over the place.
and not forget that he took pictures with he's phone, so.
we took no pics, sorry.first we were too busy admiring the great surroundings (stage was directly placed next to a lake and stuff like that) and then we were too busy going totally crazy and running around in the rain, hehe. was a great show anyways, first time we saw COB playing with pyro effects on stage.
ye, ruisrock...finish lake next to the stage, rainbow, thunderstrom, first time i saw pyrotechnique at cob's show, new song again and after all that i need to say more :worship: ? too bad it's over.