


I have heard a rumor that this band is Christain, is there anyway that i can confirm that either they are or arent.

Because i was just curious, hearing things about one God in their songs, and the fact that they toured with a EXCELLENT Christian band, Living Sacrifice, i thought maybe they might just be. but looking at most of the lyrics give me a sense of them trying to "see" a God. but i do not know.
WHITE METAL, for sure....
I bet anyone out there, to prove me otherwise...
they're moslim fundamentalists.
don't drink, smoke or do drugs.just rape white women and pray 6 times a day.

true!!I've smelled it with my own eyes

PS :If I'd kill the pope, would I go to hell?
Originally posted by Iced Dragon
they're moslim fundamentalists.
don't drink, smoke or do drugs.just rape white women and pray 6 times a day.

true!!I've smelled it with my own eyes

PS :If I'd kill the pope, would I go to hell?

Did they smelled like garlic?

xxx Iris xxx
Originally posted by Demonspell
Christ is a weapon that chisels at our lives...enough said.

I agree with you all the way Demonspell.
Christ, Christianity, organized religion, its all seen as being WAY too important compared to what its actually worth. It was a good idea back then, and it seems to want to good and has somewhat good fundamental ideas by bringing people together, but has sure as fuck done alot of harm to people evrywhere. the Bible contradicts itself like crazy. "Thou shalt not kill", unless of course GOD tells you to, becaUSE WE ALL KNOW HE IS ABOVE THE LAW. AND (damn caps) i find the term "Holy War" such an oxymoron and so fucking contradictory, it blows my mind.
And you know what the really damn funny thing is about people who love/follow Christianity and hate Satan(as those are the "rules" of the Christian faith), thousands more people have been killed because of God and the Christian faith than Satanism has ever killed. That just makes me laugh. and that whole thing about metal being seen as satanic, but the people that say that are mostly the people who are REALLY naive and up tight. lots of them happen to be old too :lol:

Well, i don't know why i wrote so much, i'm just in that kind of mood.
and if i have offended anyone, i am sorry but don't take any of it back.
Nevermore on religion is more along the lines of "come up with your own take." Perception is, if you will, reality.

A quote goes along with EYouth's comments, if you folks watch "Crusade" (just finished up re-running on Sci-Fi), it was said(roughly) "We were told by god's only son to love one another and then spent the last 2200 years killing each other about how he said it." Granted, it's not been 2200 years since the beginning of the Common Era (Anno Dominae, if you will), but it still is pretty amusing how something as well documented as the Bible is a) so open to interpretation and b) so likely to get you beaten to death if you interpret it differently from the person sitting next to you.

Nevermore, to me, does a very good job of addressing and expressing concerns about religion. The commentary is, for the most part, negative. It's not anti-Christianity, as such, not like Deicide or anything that overt. It's more along the lines of, "Gee, you know -- this religion thing has really got me soured. " In DNB, it's quite obvious that that character (not dissimilar from WD) has a lot of blame and anger towards god. I think we all do, or have had, at some point in our lives. If we don't work it out, it builds up and that when we get either fanatacism or Deicide...

Philosophically, killing the Pope sending you to hell would seem to depend on whether or not you believe in Hell. If you believe in a pantheon that has a Hel, would that Hel be the punishment for killing the holiest of Catholics? If you don't believe in hell, in the Christian sense, then the punishment for this would seem to depend on the values in your belief system. I guess we could go back and forth on this for a while, but I'm too tired. I personally feel the Pope's death would usher in an academically interesting time of transition in the Catholic faith, and the repercussions of that would be felt through all religions -- eastern, western, earth-based, etc.

Oi. Too deep.


I don't really think that someone who would kill the Pope would go to Hell because Hell is a spiritual place having to do with a spiritual belief system, and if you kill the pope theres a good chance you don't believe in the Chrsitian faith and Hell.
I also find it funny how a belief system taht is all about being open to anyone and fixing lives and doing goof for the world has punishments so brutal, such as, if you don't do what we say and obey are bullshit strict as hell rules, you will go to hell and in turn be damned to hell and suffer in vile pain for all eternity. and eternity of damnation and pain. sounds like quite the sten punishment for such a "wonderful" belief system.
You know what? If you kill the Pope you're just a bastard and I'm sure that if a hell didn't exist, they'd make one up just to put you in it.