Run To the Hills book updated an rereleased

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Got this from the Maiden Site:

As some of you may be aware already, Maiden's official Biography 'Run To The Hills', written by Classic Rock Editor Mick Wall, has been brought up to date. The original version was completed just prior to events in 1999 which saw the return of Bruce and Adrian back to the band.

Now the book has been reprinted and includes new chapters and pictures which cover the return and subsequent success the band have enjoyed since.

It is available around the world through Penguin Books and will be available shortly through the Megastore.
As much as I love Maiden, I don't think their book would be a particulary interesting read.

The most controversy sorrounding the band would have been when Steve decided to call the song 'Your Time Will Come, 'The Wickerman'

Or when Nicko was stopped at a border because he had weed. (Ooo riviting)
I do! All the time, I read that ages ago! Plus I DO want to read the book, will Utopia have it?
Maybe I will pick it up. I am actually interested, even if my earlier comments implied otherwise.

It's just that usually success and more success does not make for as exciting reading as excess and failure.
Originally posted by Sydo
Maybe I will pick it up. I am actually interested, even if my earlier comments implied otherwise.

It's just that usually success and more success does not make for as exciting reading as excess and failure.

Thats true, its always funny reading about peoples declines after being famous :lol: Ok, so its not funny for them obviously, but you know what I mean. Like Lurleen on the Simpsons "I spent last night in a ditch"

Classic. Mc Hammer would make a good book, he used to have solid gold toilet seats. Until he went broke. True story.
Run to the Hills is a really good read, I'm even thinking about buying the updated version although I already own the previous one. Although Maiden have had a lot of success it was not without a lot of work and numerous lineup changes. Run to the Hills goes into all that stuff from the band members perspectives at the time which I found really interesting. Stveve Harris's viewpoint in particular was great to read as he doesn't like doing that many interviews.
Just out of curiosity has anyone ele here got Running Free, the original Iron Maiden bio? I bought it when I was sixteen in Toronto, Canada. It was written by Garry Bushell and covered the band's history up to the release of Powerslave. It had lots of amusing tales about the band during their early years in the UK and Europe and then their exploits when they made it to the US.
If you can find it anywhere on E-Bay or something it's also a great read.