Russell Allen to be featured on 2nd chapter of Genius Rock Opera


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Genius Rock Opera - Daniele Liverani and Frontiers Records can finally announce to have completed the cast for the second chapter of the Genius Rock Opera entitled In Search of The Little Prince.
Together with Daniele (who will as always perform all guitars, keyboards and basses on the album) and drummer extraordinaire Dario Ciccioni, the singers will be as follows:
Mark Boals (Ring of Fire) as Genius; Daniel Gildenlow (Pain of Salvation) as Twinspirit32; Eric Martin (ex-Mr. Big) as Mr. Niko; Russel Allen (Symphony X) as Dream League Commander; Johnny Gioeli (Hardline, Axel Rudi Pell) as Sultan Oddyfer; Rob Tyrant (Labyrinth) as Oddyfer Guard; Jeff Martin (Racer X) as Seventree; Edu Falaschi (Angra) as Jason; Liv Kristine (ex-Theatre of Tragedy) as Klepsydra with Philip Bynoe (Ring of Fire) as Storyteller and Oliver Hartmann (Empty Tremor, ex-At Vance) - choirs.
All the singers are very busy in recording their parts, which will be completed sometime during January 2004. Frontiers Records has plans to release the album in Europe during June 2004. The Japanese release will be simultaneous through King Records.
Well, despite having an impressive roster of vocalists... I thought the first Genius album was one of the worst albums I've ever heard!
There are people that do things out of pure pleasure for what they do. I heard that Russell gets asked to work on many different projects throughout the year. Although some are better than others ---- none should really be compared. Sometimes one is just kind enough to lend their experience one way or another out of the respect for being in the same business ---or just friends. "We all know where his heart and soul is"---even he doesn't love everything he does. Let's just enjoy the fact that we could find him singing on as many things as us a choice in hearing such a talent. (In my book I could take Star One or leave it........) but isn't it nice to have options. PEACE!
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
what Progmetalfan said, the first chapter blew.
Come on! The concept - an amazing drummer (A genius, if you will) who manages to break into the world of dreams by accidently coming across the secret code to dreamland by deciphering a rhythm between the chimes of his alarm clock!!! What's not to like? That could happen to anyone! :D

Anyways, I heard from Boalsy that his parts are done and he's engineering Phil Bynoe's narration now. Mark will put a complete effort in like on everything he does, but I can't say I'll be buying this one either. (And Frontiers never send my wife [Mark's web mistress] anything for free, not even on the stuff I appeared on :err: ).

Chris Brooks said:
Come on! The concept - an amazing drummer (A genius, if you will) who manages to break into the world of dreams by accidently coming across the secret code to dreamland by deciphering a rhythm between the chimes of his alarm clock!!! What's not to like? That could happen to anyone! :D

Didn't NASA already pull that one off back in the early 80's? :Smug: