Russell Allen


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Out of interest, why is it "Sir" Russell Allen - that can't be a real title can it?

Also, anyone downloaded the new MP3 yet, "Accolade II"? Very good indeed....I've got my pre-order in already. :D
Hell, I've got the whole album in mp3's. Of course, don't label me as a pirate, because I fully intend on purchasing the album when it's released. But at any rate, the album is phenomenal. And no, I have no idea why it's "Sir" Russell Allen. Sorry.
Oh I found out that it's made up - he's not even British.

He calls himself Sir Russell at the medieval restaurant he works at (or something like that) dressed like a knight.
The album is wonderful, but it sounds SO much like Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence -- Disc Two IN MY OPINION -- OF COURSE.
The album is wonderful, but it sounds SO much like Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence

I don't quite get that, either. From what I've heard, I quite like the album. It's like a wonderful blend of Divine Wings and V. Of course, I like DT's Six Degrees, so I guess it wouldn't bother me either way... :)

Originally posted by Bad Girl Tess
The album is wonderful, but it sounds SO much like Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence -- Disc Two IN MY OPINION -- OF COURSE.

Ah, man, don't tell me that. I decided to give Symphony X another try and asked a friend to burn me a copy of their latest when he comes down for ProgPower. But I could have lived happily with 6 degrees having been a one-disc album, and I wouldn't have picked the second one!

Song number 8 -- the 24 or whatever minute song sounds like a a shortened version of the second disc of Six Degrees ... if you don't get it... listen to them both again. I have played the SHIT out of the DT cd so I am sooooo familiar with every little thing it's ridiculous, but if you still don't get it... whatever... difference of opinion I guess.
Lady Space:
I can't believe you don't like the second disc of Six Degrees ... it just makes me so happy!! I want everyone to like it as much as meeeeeee hehehe... oh well! :)
and Shane that is VERY cool! :p
Originally posted by Bad Girl Tess
Song number 8 -- the 24 or whatever minute song sounds like a a shortened version of the second disc of Six Degrees ... if you don't get it... listen to them both again. I have played the SHIT out of the DT cd so I am sooooo familiar with every little thing it's ridiculous, but if you still don't get it... whatever... difference of opinion I guess.
Lady Space:
I can't believe you don't like the second disc of Six Degrees ... it just makes me so happy!! I want everyone to like it as much as meeeeeee hehehe... oh well! :)
and Shane that is VERY cool! :p

The first 3 minutes of "The Odyssey" and the first 6 minutes of Six Degrees Disc 2 are very similar... but other than that... I find no similarities between Symphony X's new album and DT's latest.
Here's my opinion: The first 3 minutes of "The Odyssey" and the first 6 minutes of 6 Degrees disc 2 are only similar in that they are overtures. Overtures are meant to be brief musical segments that span the range of music that will be played during the rest of the piece, and both of these overtures do that. Aside from the fact that both of these works have this same component, I can find no similarities between the two.
I agree. The first three minutes of The Odyssey sound similar to Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, but the rest is totally different than DT. The Odyssey is MUCH BETTER than SIx Degrees of Inner Turbulence :)
Okay, you can shoot me if you want, opinions are like a**holes though. I don't give a crap about either Dream Theatre or Symphony X. They are both blatantly over produced. Zero Hour is so much more than either of them. Simple and refined. Harmony and Dissonance. Easy Flowing and Put-Through-A-Grinder. Dream Theater's experimentation with nu-metal sounds suck(you know they are there). Saw Sym-X at last years pro2.0 and the guitar player reminded me of Yngwie, fat, ugly and way too interested in technical crap... scales, arpeggios, blah, blah... dude was boring. There was no feeling. Totally looking forward to this year!!! Zero Hour and Silent Force being my faves!!!!
Originally posted by 97reb
Saw Sym-X at last years pro2.0 and the guitar player reminded me of Yngwie, fat, ugly and way too interested in technical crap...

That's harsh. Fat guitar players the world over are probably taking their Michael Romeo posters down now...:(
Originally posted by 97reb
Okay, you can shoot me if you want, opinions are like a**holes though.

Ok, that's all well and good, you're certainly entitled to your own opinion. I, for one, greatly enjoy all 3 bands in question. But what I'm wondering, is how are opinions like assholes? They're....usually ugly? They're....usually full of crap? Please elaborate, I'm dying to know!
Originally posted by 97reb
Okay, you can shoot me if you want, opinions are like a**holes though. I don't give a crap about either Dream Theatre or Symphony X. They are both blatantly over produced. Zero Hour is so much more than either of them. Simple and refined. Harmony and Dissonance. Easy Flowing and Put-Through-A-Grinder. Dream Theater's experimentation with nu-metal sounds suck(you know they are there). Saw Sym-X at last years pro2.0 and the guitar player reminded me of Yngwie, fat, ugly and way too interested in technical crap... scales, arpeggios, blah, blah... dude was boring. There was no feeling. Totally looking forward to this year!!! Zero Hour and Silent Force being my faves!!!!

Damn, I can't believe a Zero Hour fan could be such a tactless asshole.