Russell Simmons..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
I am watching this guy on TV about the Hip hop summit and banning words like my pals, bitches and hos from the radio but then he back pedals on whether saying Kill the cops should be band as well. His answere?- "It created a great forum for open dialogue between police and the African American community". I think he is a fucking rich, black racist asshole like sharpton or jackson or farrakahn. What do you think???
I am watching this guy on TV about the Hip hop summit and banning words like my pals, bitches and hos from the radio but then he back pedals on whether saying Kill the cops should be band as well. His answere?- "It created a great forum for open dialogue between police and the African American community". I think he is a fucking rich, black racist asshole like sharpton or jackson or farrakahn. What do you think???

i think you are correct, sir.
Criticism of ANY portion of the denigrating, suicidal, infantile Black American culture shall not be tolerated by any of the so-called "Civil Rights Leaders" or their stooges in the media.


Because the blaxploiters who shovel out this humiliating bullshit every day are actually successful money-makers.

These guys really do have bitches n' hos, smooth limousins, bathtubs full of champagne, and rooms full of $100 bills!

Its like a dream, and who are Sharpton and Jackson and Simmons to stop a man from achieving their dream?

Never mind that the money comes from gullible and stupid young black males who buy into this "gangsta rap just tells it like it is" bullshit.

It may tell it like it is, but why the hell's that so good? And why does it cost $23.99 to listen to some homey "Tell it like it is?"

The point is, one rich black gangsta pimp is worth more than ANY honest, hardworking black family.

Cause at least the gangsta pimp got da bread ta stick it to da MAN!


I am watching this guy on TV about the Hip hop summit and banning words like my pals, bitches and hos from the radio but then he back pedals on whether saying Kill the cops should be band as well. His answere?- "It created a great forum for open dialogue between police and the African American community". I think he is a fucking rich, black racist asshole like sharpton or jackson or farrakahn. What do you think???

Well then, saying "Kill the my pals" would do wonders for black/white relations...that's just logical, isn't it?
So he gets to pick and choose his agenda...yea thats real balls right there.

I think anyone of african descent with a semi decent education knows that a lot of these self professed "leaders" are nothin more than a bunch of ambulance situation chasing shake down artists.