Russia invades Georgia

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Actually, they invaded South Ossetia, but it's still kinda scary. I don't think it will be a problem as long as they don't try to invade Tblisi or anything. Pretty scary stuff.
Haha... but seriously, this is just another conflict to list in the history books to come as "events leading up to world war 3". I can totally see the US intervening (as they already are attempting to in a diplomatic style) in a military style and just full blown war starting.

Shit, Martial Law is going to be declared in Georgia, so the end of this most likely isn't coming soon.
I can totally see the US intervening (as they already are attempting to in a diplomatic style) in a military style and just full blown war starting.

Is there much Oil in Georgia?
I don't think they'll intervene militarily due to the fact that Georgia isn't in NATO...Bush tried to push NATO into accepting them and it was rejected, thankfully for us, regrettably for them. I think Russia is asserting its dominance in the region and will continue to do so. I've seen it coming for a long, long time. Russians in general do not like the West, specifically Americans, and still retain that Russian pride. They're still a little bitter about losing the cold war, although Moscow is the most expensive city in the world in which to live.

Decades of propaganda still takes its toll, no matter how much Russia has "reformed" itself. The fact is, government leaders would like nothing more than to go back to Communist Russia...I see it happening.
Is there much Oil in Georgia?

It's right smack dab in the middle of the pipeline, and Georgia exports much of it to the West. Hmmm.

But this isn't about oil, it's about South Ossetia. Georgia wants it back, and Russia doesn't want to give it up, blah blah blah, Balkans all over again.
I can't see the US intervening, yet. It's easy to tell the US (and by that, I mean our military and government leaders, not the citizens) is fucking PISSED considering the fact that Georgia is going to be pulling all of it's people out of Iraq in the coming days. The US also pissed because we have a strong military prescience in Georgia, and the arms we've given them are being destroyed by the Russians (supposedly).

Why the fuck did we arm the Georgians again?
Georgia is extremely pro-West, and of course the US is looking to capitalize on that (no pun intended). The feud between the US and Russia will never, ever die. Russian aircraft have already bombed one of the oil shipping stations...they're trying to cut off any incoming capital from the West with their exports.

But in any case, Georgia was pulling all 2000 of their troops out of Iraq later this year anyway, so we already knew that. This is just ahead of time.
im really hoping for Zombie Apocalypse rather than WWIII. i definitely want to explode some heads with my boomstick, and the undead dont shoot back. i guess i wouldnt mind shooting commies, but zombies would be much more fun.
actually, thats about a million times better than a compromise! i cant think of anything more righteous than the indiscriminate slaughter of zombified ruskies, completely free of legal and moral consequences! please Goat, i pray to you, LET THIS HAPPEN!!