Ryan Dunn of Jackass died


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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dunno if we've got many jackass fans here, it was this guy:

guess he drove off the highway last night at 100+ mph into some trees. kinda surprised he's the first one to go, he kinda seemed like the more level-headed one. seemed like a cool guy, wore metal shirts sometimes, and i guess he probably did more living in the last 10 years than most people do in a lifetime. RIP Dude!!
i read something about how he'd posted a pic of him drinking a few hours before so it kinda seems like he was drunk/buzzed and just flooring it and crashed, but who knows. i didn't know anything about him and i think jackass is pretty stupid and the fact that the group of guys in it are millionaires due to filming themselves doing stupid shit is outrageous and ridiculous, but death is never a good thing so RIP.