S.O.D. music at a SoundTrack


Feb 2, 2002
My friend's last day working at SoundTrack is today. He's playing S.O.D. on the in store stereos.
The customers in his store are currently listening to "Pussy Whipped", "Speak English Or Die", "Ram It Up", "Bigger Than The Devil", etc. Whether they want to or not.
He said he was showing one cutomer some speakers. So he's there describing these speakers to someone and the customer hears, "I DON'T WANT TO EAT YOUR SHIT!!"
Last summer I worked at an internet cafe. When it was closing time and there were still people there, I'd either put on Meshuggah's Chaosphere or Bigger than the Devil to clear the place. Worked like a charm.
Alfonso: Your avator kinda reminds me of that new movie "The Ring" (except with more drugs).
Crazy shit, man.
Originally posted by Alfonso
Last summer I worked at an internet cafe. When it was closing time and there were still people there, I'd either put on Meshuggah's Chaosphere or Bigger than the Devil to clear the place. Worked like a charm.
haha I do that too, cept with when Im clearing drunks out of my house. Just put on the GWAR "Live from Antartica" VHS or S.O.D. Live From Budokan/Speak English Or Live movies.
it does, "work like a charm"