S.O.I featuring Clay

Jan 4, 2004
Structure of Inhumanity, the Ultra Melodic Power/Melodic Death Metal band featuring main songwriter and keyboardist Jonah W. (Pyramaze/Echoterra), vocalist Clay Barton (Suspyre), bassist Noah Martin (Arsis), and up and coming guitarist Mike Iuzzolino, have released their first track "The Passing Phase." The song comes from the bands debut entitled "Completion Integration" which was co-produced and features guest appearances by James Murphy (Testament/Death etc.) and Peter Wichers (Soilwork). The album was mixed and mastered by James Murphy as well. Drums were handled by former Firewind skinsman Brian Harris. The first track can be heard via the band's myspace page http://www.myspace.com/structureofinhumanity

Structure of Inhumanity are currently negotiating with labels and look forward to finding the right home for them to release this melodic Metal assault.

I was pleasantly surprised when the vocals started! I'm usually more a fan of the lower screams/growls, but this fit the music nicely, and then Clay puts down some awesome clean vocals too :) The music sometimes has a Soilwork-esque tinge to it in the guitars, maybe thats Peter's influence there. I very much like this first song and can't wait for you guys to put up more!

Very nice! Great job!
I am responsible for clean vocals on the record, however, one track does have some of my screams on it (Actually the one that is on the myspace has myself and James Murphy trading off the parts).

The next album may have me doing a little more screaming, but for now those are handled by Noah Martin.
I am responsible for clean vocals on the record, however, one track does have some of my screams on it (Actually the one that is on the myspace has myself and James Murphy trading off the parts).

The next album may have me doing a little more screaming, but for now those are handled by Noah Martin.

I thought I heard your "scream" voice on that song!
Does Clay do both clean and death vocals on this?

If so, how about incorporating some death grunts into the new Suspyre?

There's a number of songs with Clay doing more harsh vocals, especially the middle section of "Apex" and the pre-chourses of "The Light of the Fire." There are touches of this vocal style in other songs as well, sometimes for just a few words. I think this helps give the music an edge without getting monotonous. I like bands that use that vocal style (Meshuggah and Opeth are some of my favorites) but I think doing too much of it takes away from Suspyre's music.

That said, I can't say either way if any death vocals will be on the next album.
Thanks for the replies, guys. I've really been spinning my Suspyre discs like crazy lately. I only have your last two and lean more towards When Time Fades, though I really love both of your albums. I've been a prog metal fan for almost two decades now, and I'm happy you guys somehow manage to set yourselves apart from many other acts out there. This is no asskissing or anything, just thought I'd let you know you got a fan in Istanbul, Turkey. I look forward to your new disc.
Thanks for the replies, guys. I've really been spinning my Suspyre discs like crazy lately. I only have your last two and lean more towards When Time Fades, though I really love both of your albums. I've been a prog metal fan for almost two decades now, and I'm happy you guys somehow manage to set yourselves apart from many other acts out there. This is no asskissing or anything, just thought I'd let you know you got a fan in Istanbul, Turkey. I look forward to your new disc.

It's still amazing to know that someone over in Turkey is listening to our cds!

Thank you very much and I promise you...the next cd will be awesome.