
this warranted 2 threads that will be deleted once Glenn sees??
Either this guy is a freakin' scalper or he's just stupid. I'd almost bet this is the guy who's gouging people on e-bay for PP tickets, no wonder he wants more.

Dude if you sincerely want to come to this show and you are not a scalper follow forum rules and post under the sticky thread instead of just re-posting the same damn thing under three different needless threads.
YARY - check the topic list again. At the very top, you'll see some "STICKY" threads. One of them is for finding tickets. Post your request there and your contact info so someone who is able to sell can reach you. Ignore the stupid comments about you posting three times, you clearly misunderstood how the forum functions and that's okay. The closer we come to the event, the more tickets become available from people who can not make it. Just to help you out, if someone says they have 2 tickets, it's usually implied that it's a total of 4 tickets - 2 per person/1 for each day. I'd hate to see you buy "4 tickets" and end up with 4 more than you need!

Here is the direct link to the buy/sell sticky thread:
Good luck!